Early Church Documents: S
A Catholic guide to heretical
beliefs current in the mid 1200s. Excerpts available:
On the Waldenses:
Maitland translation, 1832. ---
Sa'di Shirazi, Persian Sufi poet, (XIII Century):
The Bustan: Horne
translation, 1917. --- MSBP
The Gulistan: Translator not indicated.
--- Tech Classics Archive
The Gulistan:
Ross translation, 1890.
--- MSBP
Samuel Ha-Nagid, Vizier of Granada, Jewish official in
Moorish Spain, (X/XI Centuries):
Abraham ibn Daud (XII Century): On Samuel Ha-Nagid:
From Sefer Seder Ha-Kabbalah. Marcus
translation, 1938. --- MSBP
Sebeos, Armenian historian, (VII Century):
History: History of Armenia
in the VI and VII Centuries. Bedrosian translation, 1979.
Sefer Yetzirah, Kabbalistic
cosmological treatise, date uncertain:
Short Version:
Translator not indicated.
--- Caduceus
Severus, Bishop of Al-Ushmunain, Coptic historian, (X
- History of the Patriarchs of Alexandria:
Evetts translation.
--- SPL
Prefaces: By the
author and later scribes.
Tale of Theodosius the Jew A story with
antisemitic overtones claiming that Jesus was enrolled among the Jewish
priests and known by them to be the Messiah, embedded in a very
interesting "frame story" depicting the far from clear-cut relations of
Jews and Gentiles in the Byzantine Near East and the author's awareness of
the situation's psychological complexity.
Mark, Apostle and Evangelist:
The story of the evangelization of Egypt and of the
Apostle's martyrdom.
Demetrius, Twelfth Patriarch:
Demetrius was patriarch in the time of Origen and led the
opposition to his teachings, a conflict depicted in the second half of
this work. The first half focuses on the personal life of the saint, who
was one of the last famous married bishops.
St. Cyril the Great, Twenty-fourth Patriarch:
Illustrates how this most celebrated of Egyptian
hierarchs and his opponent Nestorius were remembered in the X Century.
--- SPL
Simeon of Gesir:
Potter Songs Ancient Syriac Christmas
carols. Euringer-Meditz translation, 1996.
Simeon Metaphrastes, Byzantine hagiographer, (X Century):
Acrostic Poem
Barrett Browning translation, 1842.
--- SPL
Life of St. Matrona of Perge:
With additional excerpts from an earlier vita.
Bennasser translation, 1984. ---
Sixtus II, Pope of Rome, (III Century):
Rufinus: Preface to the Sayings of
Xystus: --- NA
Snorri Sturlesson, Icelandic intellectual and mythographer,
(XII/XIII Centuries):
The Chronicle of the Kings of the Norway, a compilation of
historical sagas. S. Laing translation, 1844.
Socrates Scholasticus, Byzantine historian, (V Century):
Ecclesiastical History:
A continuation of Eusebius, covering the period 305 -
439 CE. --- CCEL
Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem, (VI/VII Centuries):
The story of the Egyptian prostitute's conversion
and subsequent life of miraculous asceticism is so important to the Eastern
Orthodox that it is read aloud in church during the fifth week of Lent.
Jordanville translation. ---
Sozomen, Byzantine historian, (V Century):
Ecclesiastical History:
A history of the Church up to 425 C.E. Hartranft
translation. --- CCEL
Steegen, Gerhardt ter, German Catholic mystic, (XIV
Selected Hymns: Bevan
translation, 1894. --- CCEL
Sufi (Anonymous) Material:
Godlas, Alan: Sufism. ---
University of Georgia
Sufi Story Collection
Suger, Abbot of St.-Denis, (XII Century):
Abbot Suger's Book on What was Done in his Administration
Burr translation, 1996.
--- MSBP
Life of King Louis VI:
--- MSBP
Sulpitius Severus:
Life of St. Martin:
It was Martin of Tours, more than anyone else, who was
responsible for spreading monasticism in Western Europe, and it was this
biography, written while the saint was still alive, which made Martin famous
throughout the Empire. Roberts translation, 1894.
The Dialogues:
Sequel to the Life of St. Martin. Roberts translation,
1894. --- CCEL
Sacred History:
A history of the world from Creation to the End Times.
Portions of this work were heavily criticized by other Christian writers for
factual errors, and the authenticity of the prophecies ascribed to St.
Martin has often been questioned.
--- CCEL
Roberts translation, 1894.
--- CCEL
Letters of Disputed Authenticity:
Roberts translation, 1894.
--- CCEL
Suso, Heinrich, German Catholic mystic, (XIV Century):
Selected Hymns: Bevan
translation, 1894. --- CCEL
Symmachus the Prefect:
Memorial --- CCEL
Secondary Sources:
Refutes the argument that abandoning paganism is a threat
to Rome's security. De Romestin translation, 1896.
--- CCEL
Synesius, Bishop of Cyrene, Christian Neo-Platonist
philosopher, (IV/V Centuries):
Ninth Anacreontic Ode:
Barrett Browning translation, 1842.
--- SPL
Ode to the Saviour:
Barrett Browning translation, 1842. --- SPL
Syriac Devotional Material:
The Malankara Malaylam Lectionary
--- Bar-Ebroyo
A --
B -- C --
D -- E --
F -- G --
H -- I --
J -- K --
L -- M --
N -- O --
P -- R --
T -- U --
V -- W --
Y -- Z --
Councils -- Vitae
Copyright ? 1996, Karen Rae Keck and Norman Hugh Redington.