Early Church Documents: I
Ibn Taymiyya, Egyptian sheikh, soldier, and legal expert,
(XIII Century):
Debate with Ibn 'Ata Allah:
A debate about the orthodoxy of Sufism within Islam, the
legality of the Sufi custom of asking for the intercession of the saints,
and so on. Ibn Taymiyya saw the Sufis as Buddhist-influenced "new agers"
aspiring to godhood; ibn 'Ata Allah defended them as orthodox Muslims more
interested in the spirit than the letter.
--- Sunnah.Org
Iconoclast Literature:
Statement of the Ikonoklast Synod of Constantinople, A.D. 753
--- ICL
Epitome of the Ikonoclast Council of Constantinople, A.D. 754
--- MSBP
Ignatius, Patriarch of Antioch, (I/II Centuries):
- First Epistle to the Ephesians:
- Second Epistle to the Ephesians:
- Third Epistle to the Ephesians:
- Epistle to the Magnesians:
- Epistle to the Trallians:
- Epistle to the Romans:
- Epistle to the Philadelplhians:
- Epistle to the Smyræans:
- Epistle to Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna:
- Works of disputed authorship:
Roberts-Donaldson translation, 1885.
--- NA
Epistle to the Antiochians:
Roberts-Donaldson translation, 1885.
--- NA
Epistle to the Philippians:
Roberts-Donaldson translation, 1885.
--- NA
Epistle to Maria the Proselyte: See also
Maria's original
letter. Roberts-Donaldson translation, 1885.
--- NA
First Epistle to John the Evangelist:
Roberts-Donaldson translation, 1885.
--- NA
Second Epistle to John the Evangelist:
Roberts-Donaldson translation, 1885.
--- NA
Correspondence with the Blessed Virgin Mary:
Roberts-Donaldson translation, 1885.
--- NA
Secondary sources:
Roberts-Donaldson translation, 1885.
--- NA
Innocent I, Pope of Rome, (IV/V Centuries):
Letter to Aurelius
Letter to Jerome
Letters to John Chrysostom --- CCEL
Letter to John of Jerusalem
Innocent III, Pope of Rome, (XII/XIII Centuries):
Constitution for the Toleration of the Jews:
--- MSBP
Summons to A Crusade, A.D. 1216 ---
Sermon on the Resurrection of the Lord.
John C. Moore translation, 1994. ---
Innocent IV, Pope of Rome, (XIII Century):
Quæ Honorem Conditoris Omnium:
Concerning the Rule of the Carmelites.
--- Apana
Ioasaph, Prince of Ethiopia or Great India, (IV Century?):
John of Damascus: Barlaam and Ioasaph.
Considered by some to be patterned on the life of
the Buddha; the name Ioasaph resembles the Persian spelling of Bodhisattva.
Authorship disp uted. Woodward and Mattingly translation, 1914.
Irenæus, Bishop of Lyons, (II Century):
Adversus Hæreses:
Refutation of Gnosticism, which is also one of the main sources of
information about Gnostic belief.
--- NA
Fragments of lost writings: --- NA
Irene, Empress of the East, Restorer of the Ikons, (VIII
Schaff-Wace translation.
--- CCEL
Islamic Devotional Material:
Al-Sajjadiyya: The prayer-manual or
psalter of Shiite Islam, by Ali ibn al-Husayn (Zayn al-Abidin).
Islamic Laws:
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Copyright © 1996, Karen Rae Keck and Norman Hugh Redington.