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Early Church Documents: A

  • Abbo of Fleury:
  • Abelard, Peter, French theologian, philosopher, and poet, (XI/XII Centuries):
    • History of My Calamities: The autobiography of the famous religious thinker (and lover of Heloise) who personified Mediæval avant garde. Bellows translation, 1922. --- MSBP
  • Abraham ibn Daud, Hispano-Moorish Jewish historian, (XII Century):
  • Adamnan, Abbot of Iona, (VII/VIII Centuries):
  • Ælfric, English Benedictine, (X/XI Centuries):
  • Julius Africanus, Libyan soldier, historian, and encyclopædist, (II/III Centuries):
  • Agatho, Pope of Rome, (VII Century):
    • Letters: About monothelitism and the Sixth Ecumenical Council. Schaff-Wace translation. --- CCEL
  • Agobard, Archbishop of Lyons, Frankish theologian, (IX Century):
  • Ailred, Abbot of Riveaux, (XII Century):
  • Alain de Lille, French poet and theologian, (XII/XIII Centuries):
    • The Plaint of Nature: An elaborate allegory of human nature typical of the "XII Century Renaissance". Moffat translation, 1908. --- MSBP
  • Albigensianism, non-Christian European religion: See also Manichæanism.
    • Raynaldus: Accusations against the Albigensians. Excerpt from a XIII Century chronicle. Maitland translation, 1832. --- MSBP
    • Lateran Council III, 1179: Dealt with Albigensianism and Waldensianism, among other matters.
      • Canons: Tanner translation. --- St. Michael's Depot
    • Lateran Council IV, : Dealt with Joachim of Fiore, with the Eastern Orthodox and the Eastern Rite, with Albigensianism, with Judaism, and with many canonical issues:
  • Alcuin, English scholar at the court of Charlemagne, (VII/VIII Centuries):
    • Life of St. Vedastus: Describes the conversion of King Clovis to Orthodoxy. Lasnier translation, 1996. --- University of Kansas
  • Alexander, Patriarch of Alexandria, (IV Century):
  • Ali ibn Abi Talib, Fourth Caliph and First Imam, (VII Century):
  • Ali ibn al-Husayn, Fourth Imam of the Shiites, (VII/VIII Centuries):
  • Ambrose of Milan, bishop, theologian, and hymnographer, (IV Century):
  • Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium, poet and theologian, (IV Century):
  • Anastasius I, Pope of Rome (IV Century):
  • Anastasius the Librarian, scholar, politician, and antipope, (IX Century):
  • Anastasius the Monk:
  • Ancrene Wisse, collection of rules and advice for English nuns,
  • Anglo-Saxon Devotional Material and Hymnography:
    • Codex Junius 11 Contains the pre-Conquest poems Genesis A & B, Exodus, Daniel, and Christ and Satan, sometimes attributed to the VII Century poet-saint Cædmon. Geo. W. Kennedy translation, 1916. --- OMACL
  • Anselm, English Scholastic philosopher, (XI Century):
  • Anterus, Pope of Rome, (III Century):
  • Anthony of Padua, Franciscan friar and preacher, (XIII Century):

  • Aphrahat the Sage, Persian Christian theologian, (IV Century):
  • Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha:
    • The Non-Canonical Homepage Very large and well-organized collection at Northwest Nazarene College.
    • The Lost Books of the Bible: The much-reprinted XIX Century collection of New Testament apocrypha and Apostolic Fathers, here enhanced with extensive marginal notes (a feature inexplicably rare in hypertext). --- Seraphim Files
    • The Life of Adam and Eve, Translated and edited by G. A. Anderson and M. E. Stone. One of the most ambitious attempts to create a scholarly hypertext edition of an early Judæo-Christian work. --- University of Virginia
  • The Apostolic Canons, early Church document, (I Century?):
  • Aristakes of Lastivert, Armenian historian, (XI Century):
  • Aristeas, Hellenistic courtier, (III Century BCE):
    • Letter to Philocrates: Traditional account of the writing of the Septuagint (Greek translation of the Old Testament). Authorship disputed. --- NNC
  • Aristides, Athenian Christian philosopher, (II Century):
    • Apology: One of the earliest apologetical works. Also appears without attribution in Barlaam and Ioasaph. Kay translation from the Syriac version found in St. Catherine's Monastery. --- SPL
  • Aristotle, Greek philosopher, (IV Century BCE):
    • Collected Works The Greek philosopher who probably exerted the strongest influence on Mediæval thought, Christian, Jewish, and Islamic. --- Tech Classics
  • Arius, excommunicated Libyan theologian, (III/IV Centuries):
  • Arnold of Brescia, Italian theologian and revolutionary leader, (XII Century):
  • Arsenios of Cappadocia, Greek hermit, (XX Century):
    • Blessing-Psalter: Suggestions on the use of the Psalms for specific situations in life, by a famous Greek Orthodox hermit of the twentieth century; a snapshot of Mediterranean peasant life in any era. Kollias translation, 1995. --- SPL
  • Athanasius the Great, Egyptian theologian and Patriarch of Alexandria, (IV Century):
  • Athenagoras of Athens, Christian philosopher, (II Century):
  • Augustine, Archbishop of Canterbury, Roman missionary in England, (VI/VII Centuries):
  • Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, African theologian and philosopher, (IV/V Centuries):
  • Auxentius of Durostorum, Arian apologist, (IV/V Centuries):
    • On Wulfila Wulfila, who translated the Bible into Gothic, was Auxentius' foster-father. This letter includes an Arian creed written by Wulfila. Marchand translation. --- JOD
  • Awlaad al-Assal, Coptic scholarly family, (XIII Century):


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    Copyright © 1996, Karen Rae Keck and Norman Hugh Redington.

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