Early Church Documents: P
A modern
representative of the tradition of the Desert Fathers.
--- TheoLogic
Pammachius, Roman philanthropist, (IV/V Centuries):
Letter of Pammachius and Oceanus to Jerome about Rufinus'
Translation of Origen:
The authors suspect Origen of heresy, based on the Latin
edition of First Principles, and further suspect the original Greek,
which they can't read, contains worse errors suppressed by the translator.
They request Jerome to investigate. ---CCEL
Papal Encyclicals:
New Advent
library (large collection; the same site has
modern lives of 264 popes.)
Paphnutius of the Desert:
Life of St. Onnophrios:
Budge translation. --- SPL
Papias, Christian writer, (I/II Centuries):
--- NA
Patrick of Ireland:
A local Irish prince, Coroticus had attacked a group of
newly-baptized converts, killing some and enslaving the rest. Bieler
translation. --- St. Patrick Page
Secondary Sources:
Paul Silentiarius:
- Description of Hagia Sophia:
Extract, Barrett Browning translation
--- SPL
Extract, Lethaby & Swainson translation
--- MSBP
Paula of Bethlehem:
Letter of Paula and Eustochium to Marcella
Peter, Crown of the Martyrs, Patriarch of Alexandria,
(III/IV Centuries):
--- NA
Secondary sources:
translation, 1879. --- SPL
Peter Mogila:
Orthodox Confession of Faith
Manuel Philes, Byzantine poet, (XIV Century):
The Grecophile Herons:
Barrett Browning translation, 1842.
--- SPL
To the Holy Spirit:
Barrett Browning translation, 1842.
--- SPL
Philo of Alexandria Home Page
(Torrey Seland)
Ioudaios Electronic Discussion List
Philokalia, anthology of
patristic texts, (compiled XVIII Century)\ :
Anonymous (XVI or XVII Centuries?): Lord Have Mercy: A Commentary
From Volume V, not available in English offline as
of 1997. --- SGPM
Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain (XVIII/XIX Centuries): On Unceasing
Prayer: From the Life of St. Gregory
Palamas in the Philokalia. Palamas Monastery translation, 1997.
--- SGPM
Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, Italian humanist, (XV
Oration on the Dignity of Man:
The manifesto, as it were, of the humanist movement.
Translator not indicated. --- C.
Pisides, George, Byzantine poet and historian, (VI/VII
Right Rule Barrett
Browning translation, 1842. --- SPL
Pistis Sophia, Gnostic gospel,
date uncertain.
Pistis Sophia: Under
construction. MacDermott translation.
--- Gnostic Society
Pius II, Pope of Rome, (XV Century):
Execrabilis (extract):
Decree attacking the right of appeal from Pope to
Council. --- MSBP
Collected Works --- VIRGINIA
Pliny the Younger:
Plotinus, Neo-Platonist philosopher in Rome, (III Century):
Six Enneads: The central
text of Neoplatonism, a philosophical school which both contended against
and powerfully influenced the early Church Fathers, and survived into modern
times as the Western esoteric tradition. Plotinus transformed Platonic
philosophy by introducing the notion of a hierarchical universe in which the
lower levels both reflect and long for union with the higher. His
philosophical triad of the One, the Universal Mind, and the World Soul bears
an obvious resemblance to the Christian Trinity, although there are
critically important differences as well. Mackenna and Page translation.
--- Tech Classics Archive
Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, martyr, (I/II Centuries):
Epistle to the Philippians:
Roberts-Donaldson translation.
--- CCEL
Secondary Sources:
- The Martyrdom of Polycarp:
Eyewitness account.
Pontian, Pope of Rome, (III Century):
General Epistle: On
brotherly love, and on avoiding evil.
--- NA
Epistle to Felix Subscribonius: On the
honor to be bestowed on priests. ---
Pontius the Deacon:
Life and Passion of St. Cyprian:
--- NA
Porphyry, Syrian-born Neo-Platonist philosopher, (III/IV
On Images: This work, about
the symbolism of the images of the Gr?co-Roman gods, is actually lost; what
is found here is a collection of passages quoted in Eusebius' Preparation
for the Gospel. Gifford translation. Another online edition of the same
translation is available at
--- Tech Classics Archive
Prayer Collections:
Byzantine Prayers
Carmina Gadelica:
In the 1800s, Alexander Carmichael (Beachd Alastair) collected over a
hundred ancient poems and prayers still current in the Hebrides. Many
unquestionably date back to the early Celtic Church.
Coptic Prayers
--- CN
Latin Prayers and Hymns with English Translations
Procopius, Byzantine official and historian, (VI Century):
The Secret HistoryDefamatory
account of life in Justinian's court by a far-from-unbiased insider. Atwater
translation, 1927. --- MSBP
Theodore Prodromus, Byzantine poet, (XII Century):
Life Barrett Browning
translation, 1842. --- SPL
Providence (excerpt):
Barrett Browning translation, 1842.
--- SPL
Protase of Milan, martyr, (date unknown):
Ambrose of Milan: Twenty-Second
Epistle (To Marcellina): Relates his
discovery of the relics of Saints Gervase and Protase.
--- NA
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Councils -- Vitae
Copyright ? 1996, Karen Rae Keck and Norman Hugh Redington.