VT Quid Donine. Ps. 10. T.S.

He complaineth of all the wrongs which worldly men use because of their prosperity, who therefore without all fear of God, think they may do all things uncontrolled. He calleth for remedy against such, and is comforted with the hope thereof.

Sing this as the 3 Psalm.

1 What is the cause, that thou, O Lord,
art now so far from thine:
And keepest aloof thy countenance,
from us this troubles time,
2 The poor do perish by the proud,
and wicked men’s desire:
Let them be taken in their craft,
that they themselves conspire.
3 For in the lust of their own heart,
Th’ ungodly doth delight:
So doth the wicked praise himself,
and doth the Lord despite.
4 He is so proud that right and wrong
he setteth all apart:
Nay, nay, there is no God, saith he
for thus he thinks in heart.
5 Because his ways do prosper still,
he doth thy laws neglect:
And with a blast doth puff against
such as would him correct.
6 Tush, tush, saith he, I have no dread,
least mine estate should change:
And why? for all adversity
to him is very strange.
7 His mouth is full of cursedness,
of fraud, deceit, and guile:
Under his tongue doth mischief sit,
and travel all the while.
8 He lieth hid in ways and holes,
to slay the innocent:
Against the poor that pass him by,
his cruel eyes are bent.
9 And like a Lion privily,
lies lurking in his den:
(If he may snare them in his net)
to spoil poor simple men.
10 And for the nonce full craftily
he coucheth down, I say:
11 So are great heaps of poor men made
by his strong power, his prey.
12 Tush, God forgetteth this, saith he,
therefore may I be bold:
His countenance is cast aside,
he doth it not behold.
13 Arise, O Lord, O God in whom
the poor man’s hope doth rest:
Lift up thine hand, forget not Lord,
the poor that be oppressed.
14 What blasphemy is this to thee,
Lord, dost thou not abhor it?
To hear the wicked in their hearts
say, Tush, thou carest not for it.
15 But thou seest all their wickedness,
and well dost understand:
16 That friendless and poor fatherless
are left into thy hand.
17 Of wicked and malicious men,
then break the power forever:
That they with their iniquity
may perish altogether.
18 The Lord shall reign forevermore,
as King and God alone:
And he will chase the heathen folk,
out of his land each one.
19 Thou hearest (O Lord) the poor men’s
‘plaint their prayers and request:
Their hearts thou wilt confirm until
thine ears to hear be pressed.
29 To judge the poor and fatherless,
and help them to their right:
That they may be no more oppressed
with men of worldly might.


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