Vsque quo Domine. Ps.13.T.S.

David, as it were overcome with afflictions, flyeth to God his only refuge, and encouraged through God’s promises, he conceiveth confidence against the extreme horrors of death.

Sing this as the 3 Psalm.

1 How long wilt thou forget me Lord?
shall I ne’er be remembered?
How long wilt thou thy visage hide,
as if thou wert offended?
2 In heart and mind how long shall I
with care tormented be?
How long eke shall my deadly foe
thus triumph over me?
3 Behold me now O Lord my God,
and hear me fore oppressed:
Lighten mine eyes least that I sleep,
as one by death possessed.
4 Least thus mine enemy say to me,
behold I do prevail:
Least they also that hate my soul
rejoice to see me quail.
5 But from thy mercies and goodness
my hope shall never start:
In thy relief and saving health,
right glad shall be mine heart.
6 I will give thanks unto the Lord,
and praises to him sing,
Because he hath heard my request,
and granted my wishing.


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