The Creed. All my belief and confidence Is in the Lord of might: The Father which all things hath made, The day and eke the night: The heavens and the firmament And also many a star: The earth and all that is therein, Which pass man’s reason far. And in the like manner I believe, In Christ our Lord his Son: Coequal with the Deity, And man in flesh and bone: Conceived by the holy Ghost, His word doth me assure? And of his mother Mary born, yet she a Virgin pure. Because mankind to Satan was, For sin in bond and thrall, He came and offered up himself, To death to save us all. And suffering most grievous pain Then Pilate being Judge, was crucified on the Cross, And thereat did not grudge. And so he died in the flesh, But quickened in the spirit, His body then was buried, As is our use and right, His Soul did after this descend Into the lower parts: To them that long in darkness were, The true light of their hearts. And in the third day of his death: He rose to life again: To th’end he might be glorified, Out of all grief and pain. Ascending to the heavens high, To sit in glory still: On God’s right hand his father dear, According to his will. Until the day of judgment come, When he shall come again, With Angels power, yet of that day We all be uncertain. To judge all people righteously, Whom he hath dearly bought: The living and the dead also, Which he hath made of naught. And in the holy Spirit of God, My faith to satisfy, The third person in Trinity: Believe I steadfastly, The holy and Catholic Church, That God’s word doth maintain And holy Scripture doth allow, Which Satan doth disdain. And also I do trust to have, By Jesus Christ his death: Release and pardon for my sins And that only by faith. What time all flesh shall rise again, Before the Lord of might: And see him with their bodily eyes, Which now do give them light. And then shall Christ our Savior, The sheep and goats divide: And give life everlastingly, To those whom he hath tried. Within his Realm celestial, In glory for to rest: With all the holy company, Of Saints and Angels blest. Which serve the Lord omnipotent, Obediently each hour: To whom be all dominion, And praise forevermore.
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