The song of Zacharias, called Benedictus.

The only Lord of Israel

be praised evermore:

For through his visitation and

mercy kept in store,

His people now he hath redeemed,

that long hath been in thrall:

And spread abroad his saving health

upon his servants all.


In David’s house his servant true,

According to his mind:

And also his anointed King,

As we in Scripture find.

As by his holy Prophets all,

Oft times he did declare:

The which were since the world began,

His ways for to prepare.


That we might be delivered

From those that make debate:

Our enemies, and from the hands,

Of all that do us hate.

The mercies which he promised

Our fathers, to fulfill,

And think upon his covenant made

According to his will.


And also to perform his oath,

Which he before had sworn

To Abraham our father dear,

For us that were forlorn.

That he would give himself: for us,

And us from bondage bring,

Out of the hands of all our foes,

To serve our heavenly King.

And that without all manner fear,

And eke in righteousness:

And also for to lead our lives

In steadfast holiness.

And thou O child which now art born,

And of the Lord elect,

Shalt be the Prophet of the highest,

His ways for to direct.


For thou shalt go before his face

For to prepare his ways:

And also for to teach his will

And pleasure all thy days.

To give them knowledge how that their

Salvation is near,

And that remission of their sins

Is through his mercy mere.


Whereby the Day-spring from on high

Is come us for to visit:

And those for to illuminate,

Which do in darkness sit.

To lighten those that shadowed be

With death and eke oppressed:

And also for to guide their feet

The way to peace and rest.











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