- Those that do put their confidence
- Upon the Lord our God only:
- And fly to him for their defense,
- In all their need and misery.
- Their faith is sure firm to endure,
- Grounded on Christ the cornerstone,
- Moved with none ill but standeth still,
- Steadfast, like the mount Zion.
- And as about Jerusalem,
- The mighty hills do it ‘compass:
- So that no enemies come to them,
- To hurt that town in any case,
- So God indeed, in every need,
- his faithful people doth defend:
- Standing them by, assuredly,
- From this time forth world without end.
- Right wise and good is our Lord God,
- And will not suffer certainly:
- The sinner’s and ungodly’s rod,
- To tarry upon his family,
- Least they also from God should go
- Falling to sin and wickedness;
- O Lord defend world without end,
- Thy Christian flock through thy goodness.
- O Lord do good to Christians all,
- That steadfast in thy word abide:
- Such as willing from God fall,
- And to false doctrine daily slide.
- Such will the Lord scatter abroad,
- With hypocrites thrown down to hell,
- God will them send pains without end,
- But Lord grant peace to Israel.
- Glory to God the Father of might,
- And to his son our Savior,
- And to the holy Ghost, whose light
- Shine in our hearts and us succor.
- That the right way from day to day,
- We may walk and him glorify:
- With heart’s desire all that are here,
- Worship the Lord and say, Amen.