Qui confidunt, Ps.125.W.K.

He describeth the assurance of the faithful in their afflictions, and desireth their wealth, and the destruction of the  wicked.

Qui confidunt, Ps.125.W.K.
Another of the same by R.W.
Sing this as the 10 Commandments.
Such as in God the Lord do trust,
as mount Zion shall firmly stand,
and be removed at no hand,
the Lord will count them right and just,
so that they shall be sure,
for to endure.
2 As mighty mountains huge and great,
Jerusalem about do close:
So will the Lord be unto those,
Who on his godly will do wait,
Such are to him so dear,
They never need to fear.
3 For though the righteous try doth he,
By making wicked men his rod.
Least they through grief forsake their God,
It shall not as their lot still be.
4 Give Lord to those thine light,
Whose hearts are true and right.
5 But as for such as turn side,
By crooked ways which they out sought:
The Lord will surely bring to naught,
With works most vile they shall abide,
But peace with Israel
Forevermore shall dwell.
Those that do put their confidence
Upon the Lord our God only:
And fly to him for their defense,
In all their need and misery.
Their faith is sure firm to endure,
Grounded on Christ the cornerstone,
Moved with none ill but standeth still,
Steadfast, like the mount Zion.
And as about Jerusalem,
The mighty hills do it ‘compass:
So that no enemies come to them,
To hurt that town in any case,
So God indeed, in every need,
his faithful people doth defend:
Standing them by, assuredly,
From this time forth world without end.
Right wise and good is our Lord God,
And will not suffer certainly:
The sinner’s and ungodly’s rod,
To tarry upon his family,
Least they also from God should go
Falling to sin and wickedness;
O Lord defend world without end,
Thy Christian flock through thy goodness.
O Lord do good to Christians all,
That steadfast in thy word abide:
Such as willing from God fall,
And to false doctrine daily slide.
Such will the Lord scatter abroad,
With hypocrites thrown down to hell,
God will them send pains without end,
But Lord grant peace to Israel.
Glory to God the Father of might,
And to his son our Savior,
And to the holy Ghost, whose light
Shine in our hearts and us succor.
That the right way from day to day,
We may walk and him glorify:
With heart’s desire all that are here,
Worship the Lord and say, Amen.


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