Quarefremuerunt? Ps. 2. T.S.

David rejoiceth, that albeit enemies and worldly power rage, God will advance his kingdom, even to the farthest end of the world. Therefore he exhorteth Princes humbly to submit themselves under the same. Herein is signified Christ and his Kingdom.

Sing this as the 1 Psalm.

1 Why did the Gentiles tumult raise,
what rage was in their brain?
Why did the Jewish people muse,
feeling all is but vain?
2 The kings and rulers of the earth
conspire, and are all bent,
Against the Lord and Christ his son,
which he among us sent.
3 Shall we be bound to them, say they?
let all their bonds be broke:
And of their doctrine and their law
let us reject the yoke.
4 But he that in the heaven dwells
their doing will deride:
And make them all as mocking stocks
throughout the world so wide.
5 For in his wrath the Lord will say,
to them upon a day:
And in his fury trouble them,
and then the Lord will say:
6 I have anointed him my King,
upon my holy hill:
I will therefore, Lord preach thy laws,
and eke declare thy will.
7 For in this wise the Lord himself
did say to me I wot:
Thou art my dear and only son,
today I thee begot.
8 All people I will give to thee,
as heirs at thy request:
The ends and coasts of all the earth,
by thee shall be possessed.
9 Thou shalt them bruise even with a mace,
as men underfoot trod:
And as the potters sheards shalt break,
them with an iron rod.
10 Now ye, O Kings and rulers all,
be wise therefore and learned:
By whom the matters of the world
be judged and discerned.
11 See that ye serve the Lord above
in trembling and in fear:
See that with reverence rejoice
to him in like manner.
12 See that ye kiss and eke embrace
his blessed Son I say:
Least in his wrath ye suddenly
perish in the midway.
13 If once his wrath never so small,
shall kindle in his breast:
Oh then all they that trust in Christ
shall happy be and blest.


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