Lauda anima mea. Ps.146.I.H.

David teached that none should put their trust in men, but in God alone, who is almighty, and delivereth the afflicted, nourisheth the poor, setteth prisoners at liberty, comforteth the fatherless, widows, strangers, and is king forever.

Sing this as the 137 Psalm.

My soul praise thou the Lord always,
my God I will confess:
2 While breath and life prolong my days,
my tongue no time shall cease.
3 Trust not in worldly princes then,
though they abound in wealth:
Nor in the sons of mortal men,
in whom there is no health.
4 For why? their breath doth soon depart
to earth anon they fall,
And then the counsels of their hearts
decay and perish all.
5 O happy is that man I say,
whom Jacob’s God doth aide:
And he whose hope doth not decay,
but on the Lord is stayed.
6 Which made the earth and waters deep,
the heavens high withal:
Which doth his word and promise keep,
in truth and ever shall.
With right always he doth proceed,
for such as suffer wrong:
The poor and hungry he doth feed,
and loose the fetters strong.
7 The Lord doth send the blind their sight
the lame to limmers restore:
The Lord I say doth love the right
and just man evermore.
8 He doth defend the fatherless,
and strangers sad in heart,
And quit the widow from distress,
and ill men’s ways subvert.
9 Thy Lord and God eternally,
O Zion still shall reign:
In time of all posterity,
forever to remain.


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