Exaltabote Domine. Ps.30.T.S.

When David should dedicate his house to the Lord, he fell extreme sick, without all hope of life, and therefore after recovery he thanketh God, exhorting others to do the like, and to learn by him that God is rather merciful than severe towards his, also that adversity is sudden: Then he prayeth and promiseth to praise God forever.

All laud and praise with heart and voice,
O Lord I give to thee:
which didst not make my foes rejoice,
but hast exalted me.
2 O Lord my God to thee I cried,
in all my pain and grief,
Thou gavest an ear and didst provide
to ease me with relief.
3 Of thy good will thou hast called back
my soul, from hell to save:
Thou didst revive when strength did lack,
and keep’st me from the grave.
4 Sing praise ye Saints that prove and see
the goodness of the Lord,
In memory of his majesty,
rejoice with one accord.
5 For why? his anger but a space
doth last and slack again:
But in his favor and his grace,
always doth life remain.
Though gripes of grief and pangs full sore
shall lodge with us all night,
The Lord, to joy shall us restore,
before the day be light.
6 When I enjoyed this world at will,
thus would I boast and say:
Tush, I am sure to feel none ill,
this wealth shall not decay.
7 For thou, O Lord, of thy good grace,
hast sent me strength and aid:
But when thou turn’dst away thy face,
my mind was sore dismayed.
8 Wherefore again yet did I cry,
to thee, O Lord of might:
My God with ‘plaints I did apply,
and prayed both day and night.
9 What gain is in my blood said I,
if death destroy my days?
Doth dust declare thy majesty?
or yet thy truth doth praise?
10 Wherefore my God some pity take,
O Lord I thee desire:
Do not this simple soul forsake,
of help I thee require.
11 Then didst thou turn my grief and woe
into a cheerful voice:
The mourning weed thou tookst me fro,
and made’st me to rejoice.
12 Wherefore my soul incessantly,
shall sing unto thy praise.
My Lord my God, to thee will I,
give laud and thanks always.


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