- 13 And of his mighty kingdom eke,
- to spread the glorious praise:
- Thy kingdom Lord a kingdom is,
- that doth endure always.
- 14 And thy dominion through each age,
- endures without decay:
- The Lord upholdeth them that fall,
- their sliding he doth stay.
- 15 The eyes of all do wait on thee,
- thou dost them all relieve:
- And thou to each sufficing food,
- in season due dost give.
- 16 Thou openest thy plenteous hand,
- and bounteously dost fill:
- All things whatsoever do live,
- with gifts of thy good will.
- 17 Lord is just in all his ways,
- his works are holy all:
- 18 Near all he is that call on him,
- in truth that on him call.
- 19 He the desires with they require,
- that fear him will fulfill:
- And he will hear them when they cry,
- and save them all he will.
- 20 The Lord preserves all those, to him
- that bear a loving heart:
- But he them all that wicked are,
- will utterly subvert.
- 21 My thankful mouth shall gladly speak
- the praises of the Lord:
- All flesh to praise his holy name,
- forever shall accord.