Domine quis? Ps.15.T.S.

Here is taught why God chose the Jews his peculiar people, and placed his temple among them, which was, that they by living uprightly, might witness, that they were his holy special people.

Sing this as the 3 Psalm.

1 O Lord within thy tabernacle
who shall inhabit still?
Or whom wilt thou receive to dwell
in thy most holy hill?
2 The man whose life is uncorrupt,
whose works are just and straight:
Whose heart doth think the very truth,
whose tongue speaks no deceit.
3 Nor to his neighbor doth none ill
in body, goods, or name:
Nor willingly doth move false tales
which might impair the same.
4 That in his heart regardeth not
malicious wicked men,
But those that love fear the Lord
he maketh much of them.
5 His oath and all his promises
that keepeth faithfully:
Although make his covenant so,
that he doth lose thereby.
6 That putteth not to usury
his money, and his coin:
Ne for to hurt the innocent,
doth bribe or else purloin.
7 Who so doth all things as you see,
that here is to be done.
Shall never perish in this world,
nor in the world to come.


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