Domine quid? Psal. 3. T.S.

David driven out of his kingdom by his son Absalom, was greatly tormented in his mind for his sin. Therefore he
calleth upon God, and is bold in his promises, against the terror both of enemies and present death. Then he
rejoiceth for the victory given to him and the Church, over their enemies.


1 O Lord, how are my foes increased,
which vex me more and more?
2 They kill mine heart when as they say,
God can him not restore,
3 But thou, O Lord, art my defense,
when I am hard bested:
My worship and mine honor both,
and thou holdst up mine head.
4 Then with my voice upon the Lord,
I did both call and cry:
And he out of his holy hill
did hear me by and by.
5 I laid me down, and quietly
I slept and rose again:
For why? I know assuredly
The Lord will me sustain.
6 If ten thousand had hemmed me in,
I could not be afraid:
For thou art still my Lord, my God,
my Savior and mine aid.
7 Rise up therefore, save my God,
for now to thee I call:
For thou hast broke the cheeks and teeth
of these wicked men all.
8 Salvation only doth belong
to thee, O Lord above:
Thou dost bestow upon they folk
thy blessing and thy love.




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