Cum inuocarem. Psal. 4. T.S.

David persecuted by Saul, calleth upon God, with assured trust, reproveth his enemies for resisting his dominion, and preferreth the favor of God before all treasure.

Sing this as the 1 Psalm.

1 O God, that art my righteousness,
Lord hear me when I call:
Thou hast set me at liberty
when I was bound and thrall.
2 Have mercy Lord therefore on me,
and grant me my request:
For unto thee incessantly
to cry I will not rest.
3 O mortal men how long will ye,
my glory thus despise?
Why wander ye in vanity,
and follow after lies?
4 Know ye that good and godly men,
the Lord doth take and choose:
And when to him I make my ‘plaint
he doth me not refuse.
5 Sin not but stand in awe therefore,
examine well your heart:
And in your chamber quietly
see you yourselves convert.
6 Offer to God the sacrifice
of righteousness, I say:
And look that in the living Lord
you put your trust alway.
7 The greater sort crave worldly gods,
and riches do embrace:
But Lord grant us thy countenance,
thy favor and thy grace.
8 For thou thereby shalt make my heart
more joyful and more glad,
Then they that of their corn and wine,
full great increase have had.
9 In peace therefore lie down will I,
taking my rest and sleep:
For thou only wilt me, O Lord,
alone in safety keep.



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