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De Servo Arbitrio

"On the Enslaved Will"


The Bondage of the Will

By Dr. Martin Luther (1483-1546)

Table of Contents

bullet Translator's Preface
bullet Introduction
bullet Erasmus' Preface Reviewed (Sections 1)
bullet Erasmus' Scepticism (Sections 2—6)
bullet The Necessity of Knowing God and His Power (Sections 7—8)
bullet The Sovereignty of God (Sections 9—27)
bullet Exordium (Sections 28—40)
bullet Discussion: First Part (Sections 41—75)
bullet Discussion: Second Part (Sections 76—134)
bullet Discussion: Third Part (Sections 135—166)
bullet Conclusion: (Sections 167—168)
bullet Appendix: Martin Luther's Judgment of Erasmus of Rotterdam
bullet Appendix: Martin Luther to Nicolas Armsdoff Concerning Erasmus of Rotterdam





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