- My soul praise the Lord,
- speak good of his name;
- O Lord our great God,
- how dost thou appear?
- So passing in glory;
- that great is thy fame,
- Honor and majesty
- in thee shine most clear;
- 2 With light as a robe,
- thou hast thee beclad,
- Whereby all the earth
- thy greatness may see,
- The heavens in such sort
- thou also hast spread,
- That it to a curtain
- compared may be.
- 3 His chamber beams lie,
- in the clouds full sure:
- Which as his chariots,
- are made him to bear,
- And there with much swiftness
- his course doth endure:
- Upon the wings riding,
- of wind in the air.
- 4 He maketh his spirits
- as heralds to go:
- And lightnings to serve,
- we see also pressed,
- His will to accomplish,
- they run to and fro,
- To save or consume things
- as seemeth to him best.
- 5 He grounded the earth
- so firmly and fast,
- That it once to move,
- none shall have such power:
- 6 The deep a fair covering,
- for it made thou hast:
- Which by his own nature
- the hills would devour.
- 7 But at thy rebuke,
- the waters do flee,
- And so give due place,
- thy word to obey:
- At thy voice of thunder
- so fearful they be,
- That in their great raging,
- they haste soon away.
- 8 The mountains full high,
- they then up ascend:
- If thou do but speak
- thy word they fulfill.
- So likewise the waves
- most quickly descend.
- Where thou them appointest,
- remain they do still.
- 9 Their bounds thou hast set,
- how far they shall run,
- So as in their rage,
- not that pass they can,
- For God hath appointed,
- they shall not return,
- The earth to destroy more,
- which was made for man.
- 10 He sendeth the springs
- to strong streams and lakes:
- Which run do full swift
- among the huge hills.
- 11 Where both the wild asses
- their thirst oft-times slacks:
- And beasts of the mountains,
- there of drink their fills.
- 12 By these pleasant springs,
- or fountains full fair;
- The fowls of the air
- abide shall and dwell.
- 13 Who moved by nature,
- to hop here and there,
- Among the green branches
- their songs shall excel.
- 14 The mountains moist
- the clouds he doth use:
- The earth with his works,
- are wholly replete.
- 15 So as the brute cattle
- he doth not refuse;
- But grass doth provide them,
- and herb for man?s meat.
- Yea bread, Wine and Oil,
- he made for man?s sake,
- His face to refresh
- and heart to make strong.
- 16 The Cedars of Liban,
- this great God did make.
- Which trees he doth nourish,
- that grow up so long.
- 17 In those may birds build
- and make there their nest,
- In fir trees the Storks
- remain and abide.
- 18 The high hills are succors
- for wild Goats to rest;
- And eke the rocks stony,
- for Conies to hide.
- 19 The Moon then is set,
- her seasons to run;
- The days from the nights,
- thereby to discern,
- And by the descending
- also of the Sun,
- The cold from heat always
- thereby we do learn.
- 20 When darkness doth come,
- by God?s will and power,
- Then creep forth do all
- the beasts of the wood.
- 21 The lions range roaring,
- their prey to devour;
- But yet it is thou (Lord)
- which givest them food.
- 22 As soon as the Sun
- is up, they retire:
- To crouch in their dens
- then are they full faine.
- 23 That man to his work may
- as right doth require,
- ?til night come and call him,
- to take rest again.
- 24 How sundry (O Lord)
- are all thy works found?
- With wisdom full great,
- they are indeed wrought,
- So that the whole world
- of thy praise doth sound,
- And as for thy riches
- they pass all mens thought,.
- 25 So as the great Sea,
- which large is and broad,
- Where things that creep swarm,
- and beasts of each sort.
- 26 There both mighty ships sail,
- and some lie at road:
- The Whale huge and monstrous,
- there also doth sport.
- 27 All things on thee wait,
- thou dost them relieve,
- And thou in due time
- full well dost them feed.
- 28 Now when it doth please thee,
- the same so to give,
- They gather full gladly
- those things which they need,
- Thou openest thy hand,
- and they find such grace:
- That they with good things
- are filled we see.
- 29 But sore are they troubled,
- if thou turn thy face;
- For if thou their breath take,
- vile dust then they be.
- 30 Again, when thy spirit
- from them doth proceed:
- All things to appoint
- and what shall ensue.
- 31 Then are they created,
- as thou hast decreed:
- And dost by thy goodness
- the dry earth renew.
- 32 The praise of the Lord
- forever shall last.
- Who may in his works
- by right well rejoice.
- His look can the earth make
- to tremble full fast:
- And likewise the mountains
- to smoke at his voice.
- 33 To this Lord and God,
- sing will I always,
- So long as I live
- my God praise will I.
- 34 Then am I most certain,
- my words shall him please.
- I will rejoice in him,
- to him will I cry.
- 35 The sinners, O Lord,
- consume in thine ire,
- And eke the perverse
- them root out with shame:
- But as for my soul now,
- let it still desire,
- And say with the faithful,
- praise ye the Lords name.