- My soul give laud unto the Lord,
- my spirit shall do the same:
- And all the secrets of my heart,
- praise ye his holy name.
- 2 Give thanks to God, for all his gifts,
- show not thyself unkind,
- And suffer not his benefits
- to slip out of thy mind.
- 3 That gave thee pardon for thy faults,
- and thee restored again;
- For all thy weak and frail disease,
- and healed thee of thy pain.
- 4 That did redeem thy life from death,
- from which thou couldst not flee,
- His mercy and compassion both,
- he did extend to thee.
- 5 That filled with goodness thy desire,
- and did prolong thy youth;
- Like as the Eagle casts her bill,
- whereby her age reneweth;
- 6 The Lord with justice doth repay
- all such as be oppressed;
- So that their sufferings and their wrongs,
- are turned to the best.
- 7 His ways and his commandments,
- to Moses he did show.
- His counsels and his valiant acts,
- the Israelites did know.
- 8 The Lord is kind and merciful,
- when sinners do him grieve,
- The slowest to conceive a wrath,
- and readiest to forgive.
- 9 He chides not us continually,
- thou we be full of strife;
- Nor keeps our faults in memory,
- for all our sinful life.
- 10 Nor yet according to our sins
- the Lord doth us regard,
- Nor after our iniquities,
- he doth not us reward.
- 11 But as the space is wondrous great,
- twixt earth and heaven above;
- So is his goodness much more large,
- to them that do him love.
- 12 God doth remove our sins from us,
- and our offences all;
- As far as is the sun rising,
- from distant from his fall.