Some Biographical Materials on the First Public Subscribers to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of FaithJames M. Renihan, Escondido, CA, USA. [Editor's Note: The biographical material below is dependent to a large degree on Joseph Ivimey's History of the English Baptists, B.R. White's Association Records of the Particular Baptists of England, Wales and Ireland, as well as the occasional use of many other reference works, and supplemented by my own research. More full documentation will be provided in the forthcoming print volume on the documents of the Particular Baptists. Contact James M. Renihan, Escondido, CA, for more information. The Particular Baptists held yearly national General Assemblies at London from 1689 to 1692, and the Narratives from these Assemblies still exist. Only the 1689 and 1692 Narratives contain a listing of the names of the men present. Thus, it is probable that some of these men were present at the 1690 and 1691 meetings, as well as the ones noted. The spellings of some of the place names have changed over the years.]
One man who died before the convening of the 1689 General Assembly, but who was crucial to the Origin of the Confession of Faith.
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