The Church History of Eusebius
Chapter I. The Peace Granted Us by God.
Chapter II. The Restoration of the Churches.
Chapter III. The Dedications in Every Place.
Chapter IV. Panegyric on the Splendor of Affairs.
Chapter V. Copies of Imperial Laws.
Chapter VI. Copy of an Imperial Epistle in Which Money is Granted to the Churches.
Chapter VII. The Exemption of the Clergy. Copy of an Epistle in Which the Emperor Commands that the
Rulers of the Churches Be Exempted from All Political Duties.
Chapter VIII. The Subsequent Wickedness of Licinius, and His Death.
Chapter IX. The Victory of Constantine, and the Blessings Which Under Him Accrued to the Subjects of the
Roman Empire.
Supplementary Notes and Tables.
The End, with God's Help, of the Tenth Book of the Church History of Eusebius Pamphili.