Early Pentecostal leader in Great Britain. Son of an
Anglican rector.
Boddy was
heavily influenced by Keswick. He studied theology at Durham. He was
ordained bv Bishop J. B. Lightfoot and began ministry at Elwick before
beign appointed to Sunderland (1884-1922) and Piddington (1922-1930).
Boody traveled widely, exploring western Canada, Egypt, North Africa,
Palestine and Russia. Boddy describes these trips won him membership in
the Royal Geographical Society (England) and the Imperial Geographical
Society (Russia). Concerned about the spintual life of his parish, he
investigated the Welsh Revival and in 1907 went to Oslo to study the
Pentecostal revival. T. B. Barratt visited Sunderland (September 1907),
and under his leadership several experienced the baptism of the Holy
Spirit. Boddy became active in the Pentecostal revival in England. He
hosted the Annual Whitsuntide (Pentecost) Pentecostal Conventions at
Sunderland (1908-14). Participants included G. Polman from the Netherlands
and J. Paul from Germany. Boddy also edited and published the Pentecostal
periodical Confidence (1908-26).
An Anglican rector in Sunderland, England, A. A.
Boddy was baptized in the Spirit in 1907. He edited the influential
Pentecostal periodical Confidence.
Taken from Dictionary of Pentecostal and
Charismatic Movements by Stanley M. Burgess, Gary B. McGee, and
Patrick H. Alexander, Eds. Copyright 1988 by Stanley M. Burgess, Gary B.
McGee, and Patrick H. Alexander. Used by permission of Zondervan
Publishing House.