The Belgic Confession, 1561
We believe that Jesus Christ was confirmed by an oath to be
a High Priest for ever, after the order of Melchizedek. He presented Himself in
our place before His Father, appeasing God’s wrath by His full satisfaction,
offering Himself on the tree of the cross, where He poured out His precious
blood to purge away our sins, as the prophets had foretold. For it is written,
Upon Him was the chastisement that made us whole and with His stripes we are
healed. Like a lamb He was led to the slaughter. He was numbered with the
transgressors, and condemned as a criminal by Pontius Pilate, though he had
first declared Him innocent. He restored what He had not stolen. He died as the
righteous for the unrighteous. He suffered in body and soul, feeling the
horrible punishment caused by our sins, and His sweat became like great drops of
blood falling down upon the ground. Finally, He exclaimed, My God, My God, why
hast Thou forsaken Me? All this He endured for the forgiveness of our sins.
Therefore we justly say, with Paul, that we know nothing except Jesus Christ and
Him crucified. We count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of
knowing Jesus our Lord. We find comfort in His wounds and have no need to seek
or invent any other means of reconciliation with God than this only sacrifice,
once offered, by which the believers are perfected for all times. This is also
the reason why the angel of God called Him Jesus, that is, Saviour, because He
would save His people from their sins.
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