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Lib. Arbit.

“Whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the first-born among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.” So that “nothing shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus,” Romans 8:29, 30, 39.

“No such will can be ascribed unto God, whereby he so would have any to be saved, that from thence his salvation should be sure and infallible,” Armin. “I acknowledge no sense, no perception of any such election in this life,” Grevinch. “We deny that God’s election unto salvation extendeth itself to singular persons,” Rem. Coll. Hag.

“He hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy,” Ephesians 1:4.

“As we are justified by faith, so we are not elected but by faith,” Grevinch.

“Not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,” 2 Timothy 1:9.

“We profess roundly that faith is considered by God as a condition preceding election, and not following as a fruit thereof,” Rem. Coll. Hag.

“For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth,” etc., Romans 9:11. “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me,” John 6:37

“The sole and only cause of election is not the will of God, but the respect of our obedience,” Episcop. “For the cause of this love to any person is, [that] the goodness, faith, and piety, wherewith, according to God’s command and his own duty, he is endued, are pleasing to God,” Rem. Apol.

“Many are called, but few are chosen,” Matthew 22:14. “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom,” Luke 12:82.

“God hath determined to grant the means of salvation unto all without difference; and according as he foreseeth men will use those means, so he determineth of them,” Corr.

“What hast thou that thou didst not receive?” 1 Corinthians 4:7. “Are we better than they? No, in no wise,” Romans 3:9. But we are “predestinated to the adoption of children by Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of his will,” Ephesians 1:5; John 6:37-39, 10:3, 13:18, 17:6; Acts 13:48; Titus 1:1; 2 Timothy 2:19; James 1:17, 18, etc.

The sum of their doctrine is: God hath appointed the obedience of faith to be the means of salvation. If men fulfill this condition, he determineth to save them, which is their election; but if, after they have entered the way of godliness, they fall from it, they lose also their predestination. If they will return again, they are chosen anew; and if they can hold out to the end, then, and for that continuance, they are peremptorily elected, or post-destinated, after they are saved. Now, whether these positions may be gathered from those places of Scripture which deliver this doctrine, let any man judge.



  [1] “Electio non est ab aeterno.”—Rem. Apol.

  [2] “Electio alia completa est, quae neminem spectat nisi immorientem. Electio peremptoria totum salutis complementum et consummationem decernit, ideoque in objecto requirit totam consummatam fidei obedientiam.”—Grevinch, ad Ames. p. 136, passim. dis.

  [3] “Non agnoscimus aliam praedestinationem in evangelio patefactam, quam qua Deus decrevit credentes et qui in eadem fide perseverarent, salvos facere.”—Rem. Coll. Hag., p. 34.

  [4] “Electionis fructum aut sensum in hac vita nullum agnosco.”—Grevinch.

  [5] Episcop. Thes., p. 35; Epist. ad Walach., p. 38; Grevinch. ad Ames., p. 133.

  [6] “Electio alia completa est, quae neminem spectat nisi morientem, alia incompleta, quae omnibus fidelibus communis est; ut salutis bona sunt incompleta quae continu-antur, fide contlnuata, et abnegate, revocantur, sic electio est incompleta in hac vita, non peremptoria, revocabilis.”—Grevinch, ad Ames.

  [7] “Tres sunt ordines credentium et resipiscentium in Scripturis, novitli, credentes aliquandiu, perseverantes. Duo priores ordines credentium eliguntur vere quidem, at non prorsus absolute, nec nisi ad tempus, puta quamdiu et quatenus tales sunt,” etc.—Rem. Confess., cap. 18, sect. 6,7.

  [8] Aquinas.

  [9] “Nos negamus Dei electionem ad salutem extendere sese ad slngulares personas, qua singulares personas.”—Rem. Coll. Hag., fol. 76.

  [10] “Deus statuit indiscrimlnatim media ad fidem administrare, et prout has, vel illas personas, istis mediis credituras vel non credituras videt, ita tandem de illis statuit.”—Corv. ad Tilen., 76.

  [11] “Ecclesiae tanquam sacrosancta doctrina obtruditur, Deum absolutissimo et immutabili decreto ab omni retro aeternitate, pro puro suo beneplacito, singulares quosdam homines, eosque, quoad caeteros, paucissimos, citra ullius obedientiae aut fidei in Chris-tum intuitum praedestinasse ad vitam.”—Praefat. Lib. Armin. ad Perk.

  [12] “Nulla Deo tribui potest voluntas, qua ita velit hominem ullum salvari, ut salus inde illis constet certo et infallibiliter.”--Armin. Antip., p. 583.

  [13] “Praedestinatio est praeparatio beneficiorum quibus certissime liberantur quicunque liberantur.”—Aug, de Bono Per. Sen., cap. 14.

  [14] “Decretum electionis nihil aliud est quam decretum quo Deus constituit credentes in Christo justificare et salvare.”—Corv, ad Tilen., p. 13.

  [15] “Ratio dilectionis personae est, quod probitas, tides, vel pietas, qua ex officio suo et prrescripto Dei ista persona praedita est, Deo grata sit.” — Rem. Apol., p. 18.

  [16] “Rotunde fatemur, fidem in consideratione Dei in eligendo ad salutem antecedere, et non tauquam fracture electionis sequi.”—Rem. Hag. Coll., p. 85.

  [17] Grevinch. ad Amea, p. 24; Corv. ad Molin., p. 260.

  [18] “Electionis et reprobationis causa unica vera et absoluta non est Dei voluntas, seal respectus obedientise et inobedientise.”—Epis. Disput. 8.

  [19] “Cum peccatum pono causam merltoriam reprobationls, ne existlmato e contra me ponere justitiam causam meritoriam electionis.”—Attain. Antip.; Rein. Apol., p. 73.

  [20] God’s Love, p. 6.

  [21] “Deum nullam creaturam preecise ad vitam ,eternam amare, nisi consideratam ut justam sire justitia legali sire evangelica”—Armin. Artic. Perpend., fol. 21.

  [22] Vid. Prosp. ad Excep. Gen. ad Dub., 8,9. Vid. Car. de Ingratis., c. 2,3.

  [23] “Non potest defendi praedestinatlo ex operibus praevisis, nisi aliquid boni ponatur in homine justo, quo discernatur ab impio, quod non sit illi a Deo, quod sane patres omnes summa consensione rejiciunt.”— Bellar, de Grat., et Lib. Arbit., cap. 14.

  [24] “Non ob aliud dicit, ‘Non vos me eligistis, seal ego vos elegi,’ nisi quia non elegerunt eumut eligeret eos; sed ut eligerent eum elegit eos.”—Aug, de Bono Perse, cap. 16.

  [25] “Dicis electionem divinarn esse regulam fidei dandae vel non dandae; ergo, electio non est fidelium, sed tides electorum: seal liceat mihi tua bona venia hoc negare.”—Armin. Antip., p. 221.

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