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Lib. Arbit.

“Our God is in the heavens: he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased,” Psalm 115:3.

“We nothing doubt but many things which God willeth, or that it pleaseth him to have done, do yet never come to pass,” Corvinus. “We grant that some of God’s desires are never fulfilled,” Idem.

“I will do all my pleasure.” Isaiah 46:10. “None can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?” Daniel 4:35.

“It is in the power of man to hinder the execution of God’s will,” Idem.

“I have purposed, I will also o it,” Isaiah 46:11.

“It is ridiculous to imagine that God doth not seriously will any thing but what taketh effect,” Episcopius.

“As I have purposed, so shall it stand,” Isaiah 14:24.

“It may be objected that God faileth of his end: this we readily grant,” Rem. Synod.



  [1] Aquin., p. q. 19, ar. ad. 1.

  [2] Aquin., q. g. 19, a. 11, c.

  [3] Durand, Dist. c. 48, q. 3.

  [4] The words “former” and “latter” evidently refer to the previous sentence,—“former” corresponding with the revealed will, “latter” with the secret will of God. The order is reversed in the first clause of this sentence, and hence the author’s meaning might be mistaken.—ED.

  [5] “Multi voluntatem Del faciunt, cum illam nituntur vitare, et resistendo impruden-ter obsequuntur divino consilio.”—Greg. Moral., lib. 6. cap. 11.

  [6] Aug. Enchirid. ad Lauren., cap. 101.

  [7] “Ea sententia non continet apostoli verba, sed Judseorum objectionem ab apostolo rejectam.”—Corv, ad Molin., cap. 3. per. 19.

  [8] “Multa non fieri quae Deus fieri vult, vel non dubitamus.”—Ibid, cap. 5:p. 5.

  [9] “Multa fiunt quae Deus fieri non vult: nec semper fiunt quae ipse fiere vult.”—Vorst. de Deo, p. 64.

  [10] “Ab homine esse agnoscimus, quod voluntatis (divinae) executio saepe suspendatur.”—Corv., ubi sup. parag. 12; Episcop. Disput. Pri. De Volun. Dei, corol. 5.

  [11] “Possumus Deo resistere, cum nos vult per gratiam suam convertere.”—Rem. Coll. Hag., p. 193. “Objiciet quis, ergo illum suum finem Deus non est assecutus, respon-demus, nos hoc concedere.”—Rem. Defens. Sent. in Synod., p. 256.

  [12] “Nobis certum est, Deum multorum salutem intendere, in quibus eam non assequitur.”—Grevinch, ad Ames., p. 271.

  [13] “Vehemens est in Deo affectus ad homini benefaciendum.”—Corv, ad Molin., cap. 5. sect. 8.

  [14] “Esse in Deo desideria quae non implentur concedimus.”—Idem, sect. 9. “Non decet ut Deus infinita sua potentia utatur ad id efficiendum, quo desiderio suo naturali fertur.”—Armim Antip., p. 584.

  [15] “Deus eo fine et intentione remedium praeparavit, ut omnes ejus actu fierent participes, quamvis id non actu evenit.”—Rem. Apol., cap. 7. fol. 86.

  [16] “Ne credere cogamur aliquid omnipotentem Deum voluisse factumque non esse.”—Aug. En., cap. 103.

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