The lending of money or other property for increase Le 25:37.
Those enriched by unlawful, not allowed to enjoy their gain Ps 28:8.
The curse attending the giving or receiving of unlawful, alluded to Jer 15:10.
The Jews
The removing of, considered rude and insolent Song 5:7.
Removing of, threatened as a punishment to ungodly women Isa 3:23.
Moses put one on to conceal the glory of his face Ex 34:33; 2Co 3:13.
Of the spiritual blindness of the Gentile nations. Isa 25:7.
Of the spiritual blindness of the Jewish nation. 2Co 3:14-16.
Moses commanded to make Ex 26:31.
Made by Bezaleel for the tabernacle Ex 36:35.
Suspended from four pillars of shittim wood overlaid with gold Ex 26:32.
Hung between the holy and most holy place Ex 26:33; Heb 9:3.
Designed to conceal the ark, mercy seat, and the symbol of the divine presence Ex 40:3.
The high priest
Of the obscurity of the Mosaic age. Heb 9:8.
Of the flesh of Christ which concealed his divinity. Heb 10:20; Isa 53:2.
(Rending of,) of the death of Christ which opened heaven to saints. Heb 10:19,20; 9:24.
Of Israel well tilled and fruitful 1Sa 6:13; Ps 65:13.
Often the scenes of idolatrous rites Isa 57:5.
The heathen supposed that certain deities presided over 1Ki 20:23,28.
The Canaanites held possession of, against Judah Jdj 1:19.
Often the scenes of great contests Jdj 5:15; 7:8,22; 1Sa 17:19.
Mentioned in scripture
To be filled with hostile chariots, threatened as a punishment Isa 22:7.
Miracles connected with
The moon made to stand still over Ajalon. Jos 10:12.
Ditches in, filled with water. 2Ki 3:16,17.
Water in, made to appear to the Moabites like blood. 2Ki 3:22,23.
Of the church of Christ. Song 6:11.
(Fruitful and well watered,) of the tents of Israel. Nu 24:6.
(Dark,) of affliction and death. Ps 23:4.
(Filling up of,) of removing all obstructions to the gospel. Isa 40:4; Lu 3:5.