Torrey's New Topical Textbook
Titles and Names of the Wicked.
Adversaries of the Lord
1Sa 2:10.
Children of Belial
De 13:13; 2Ch 13:7.
Children of the devil
Ac 13:10; 1Jo 3:10.
Children of the wicked one
Mt 13:38.
Children of hell
Mt 23:15.
Children of base men
Job 30:8.
Children of fools
Job 30:8.
Children of strangers
Isa 2:6.
Children of transgression
Isa 57:4.
Children of disobedience
Eph 2:2; Col 3:6.
Children in whom is no faith
De 32:20.
Children of the flesh
Ro 9:8.
Children of iniquity
Ho 10:9.
Children that will not hear the law of the Lord
Isa 30:9.
Children of pride
Job 41:34.
Children of this world
Lu 16:8.
Children of wickedness
2Sa 7:10.
Children of wrath
Eph 2:3.
Children that are corrupters
Isa 1:4.
Cursed children
2Pe 2:14.
Enemies of God
Ps 37:20; Jas 4:4.
Enemies of the cross of Christ
Php 3:18.
Enemies of all righteousness
Ac 13:10.
Evil doers
Ps 37:1; 1Pe 2:14.
Evil men
Pr 4:14; 2Ti 3:13.
Evil generation
De 1:35.
Evil and adulterous generation
Mt 12:39.
Pr 1:7; Ro 1:22.
Froward generation
De 32:20.
Generation of vipers
Mt 3:7; 12:34.
Grievous revolters
Jer 6:28.
Haters of God
Ps 81:15; Ro 1:30.
Impudent children
Eze 2:4.
Inventors of evil things
Ro 1:30.
Lying children
Isa 30:9.
Men of the world
Ps 17:14.
People loaded with iniquity
Isa 1:4.
Perverse and crooked generation
De 32:5; Mt 17:17; Php 2:15.
Rebellious children
Isa 30:1.
Rebellious people
Isa 30:9; 65:2.
Rebellious house
Eze 2:5,8; 12:2.
2Co 13:5-7.
Scornful, The
Ps 1:1.
Seed of falsehood
Isa 57:4.
Seed of the wicked
Ps 37:28.
Seed of evil doers
Isa 1:4; 14:20.
Mt 23:33.
Servants of corruption
2Pe 2:19.
Servants of sin
Joh 8:34; Ro 6:20.
Sinful generation
Mr 8:28.
Ps 26:9; Pr 1:10.
Sons of Belial
1Sa 2:12; 1Ki 21:10.
Sottish children
Jer 4:22.
Strange children
Ps 144:7.
Stubborn and rebellious generation
Ps 78:8.
Ps 37:38; 51:13.
Ungodly, The
Ps 1:1.
Ungodly men
Jude 1:4.
Unprofitable servants
Mt 25:30.
Untoward generation
Ac 2:40.
Vessels of wrath
Ro 9:22.
Wicked of the earth
Ps 75:8.
Wicked transgressors
Ps 59:5.
Wicked servants
Mt 25:26.
Wicked generation
Mt 12:45; 16:4.
Wicked ones
Jer 2:33.
Wicked doers
Ps 101:8; Pr 17:4.
Workers of iniquity
Ps 28:3; 36:12.
Origin and antiquity of
Ge 11:4.
Were built
In cities.
Jdj 9:51.
On the walls of cities.
2Ch 14:7; 26:9.
In the forests.
2Ch 27:4.
In the deserts.
2Ch 26:10.
In vineyards.
Isa 5:2; Mt 21:33.
Frequently very high
Isa 2:15.
Frequently strong and well fortified
Jdj 9:51; 2Ch 26:9.
Were used as armouries
Song 4:4.
Were used as citadels in time of war
Jdj 9:51; Eze 27:11.
Watchmen posted on, in times of danger
2Ki 9:17; Hab 2:1.
Mentioned in scripture
Ge 11:9.
Ge 35:21.
Jdj 8:17.
Jdj 9:46.
Jdj 9:50,51.
Song 4:4.
Song 7:4.
Of the furnaces.
Ne 3:11.
Ne 12:39.
2Ki 9:17.
Jer 31:38; Zec 14:10.
Eze 29:10; 30:6.
Lu 13:4.
Of Jerusalem remarkable for number, strength, and beauty
Ps 48:12.
Frequently thrown down in war
Jdj 8:17; 9:49; Eze 26:4.
Frequently left desolate
Isa 32:14; Zep 3:6.
Illustrative of
God as the protector of his people.
2Sa 22:3,51; Ps 18:2; 61:3.
The name of the Lord.
Pr 18:10.
Jer 6:27.
Mount Sion.
Mic 4:8.
The grace and dignity of the church.
Song 4:4; 7:4; 8:10.
The proud and haughty.
Isa 2:15; 30:25.
Called way-faring men
Jdj 19:17; Isa 35:8.
Preparations made by, alluded to
Eze 12:3,4.
Often collected together and formed caravans
Ge 37:25; Isa 21:13; Lu 2:44.
Often engaged persons acquainted with the country as guides
Nu 10:31,32; Job 29:15.
Friends of
Often supplied them with provision.
Ge 21:14; 44:1; Jer 40:5.
Sometimes accompanied them a short way.
2Sa 19:31; Ac 20:38; 21:5.
Frequently commended them to protection of God.
Ge 43:13,14; Ac 21:5.
Frequently took leave of them with sorrow.
Ac 20:37; 21:6.
Often sent them away with music.
Ge 31:27.
Generally commenced their journey early in the morning
Jdj 19:5.
Generally rested at noon
Ge 18:1,3; Joh 4:6.
Halted at even
Ge 24:11.
Generally halted at wells or streams
Ge 24:11; 32:21,23; Ex 15:27; 1Sa 30:21; Joh 4:6.
Carried with them
Provisions for the way.
Jos 9:11,12; Jdj 19:19.
Provender for their beasts of burden.
Ge 42:27; Jdj 19:19.
Skins filled with water, wine, &c.
Ge 21:14,15; Jos 9:13.
Presents for those who entertained them.
Ge 43:15; 1Ki 10:2; 2Ki 5:5; Mt 2:11.
Often travelled on foot
Ge 28:10; 32:10; Ex 12:37; Ac 20:13.
On foot, how attired
Ex 12:11.
After a long journey, described
Jos 9:4,5,13.
Of distinction
Rode on asses, camels, &c.
Ge 22:3; 24:64; Nu 22:21.
Rode in chariots.
2Ki 5:9; Ac 8:27,28.
Generally attended by running footmen.
1Sa 25:27; 1Ki 18:46; 2Ki 4:24; Ec 10:7.
Often preceded by heralds, &c to have the roads prepared.
Isa 40:3,4; Mr 1:2,3.
Generally performed their journey in great state.
1Ki 10:2; 2Ki 5:5,9.
Frequently extorted provisions by the way.
Jdj 8:5,8; 1Sa 25:4-13.
Before setting out gave employment, &c to their servants.
Mt 25:14.
Strangers civil to
Ge 18:2; 24:18,19.
Generally treated with great hospitality
Ge 18:3-8; 19:2; 24:24,32,33; Ex 2:20; Jdj 19:20,21; Job 31:32; Heb 13:2.
The caravanserai or public inn for noticed
Ge 42:27; Ex 4:24; Lu 2:7; 10:34.
Were frequently asked whence they came and whither they went
Jdj 19:17.
Protected by those who entertained them
Ge 19:6-8; Jdj 19:23.
For security often left the highways
Jdj 5:6.
Tesserae hospitales or pledges of hospitality, alluded to
Re 2:17.
On errands requiring despatch
Went with great speed.
Es 8:10; Job 9:25.
Saluted no man by the way.
2Ki 4:29; Lu 10:4.
Estimated the length of their journey by the number of days which it occupied
Ge 31:23; De 1:2; 2Ki 3:9.
The Jews prohibited from taking long journeys on the Sabbath
Ex 20:10; Ac 1:12.
Ceasing of, threatened as a calamity
Isa 33:8.