To be without spot or blemish Nu 19:2.
To ge given to Eleazar the second priest to offer Nu 19:3.
To be slain without the camp Nu 19:3.
Entire of, to be burned Nu 19:5.
Blood of, sprinkled seven times before the tabernacle Nu 19:4.
Cedar, hyssop, burned with Nu 19:6.
Ashes of, collected and mixed with water for purification Nu 19:9,11-22.
Communicated uncleanness to
The priest that offered her. Nu 19:7.
The man that burned her. Nu 19:8.
The man who gathered the ashes. Nu 19:10.
Is for correction. Ps 39:11.
Is despised by the wicked. Pr 1:30.
Should not discourage saints. Heb 12:5.
Pray that it be not be in anger. Ps 6:1.
Should be accompanied by exhortation to repentance. 1Sa 12:20-25.
Declared to be
Better than secret love. Pr 27:5.
Better than the praise of fools. Ec 7:5.
An excellent oil. Ps 141:5.
More profitable to saints, than stripes to a fool. Pr 17:10.
They who give, are hated by scorners Pr 9:8; 15:12.
Hatred of, a proof of brutishness Pr 12:1.
Hatred of, leads to destruction Pr 15:10; 29:1.
Contempt of, leads to remorse Pr 5:12.
Rejection of, leads to error Pr 10:17.
Saints should