Often grew wild Am 7:14.
Sometimes planted in vineyards Lu 13:6.
Propagated by the Jews Am 4:9.
Required cultivation Lu 13:8.
Fruit of, formed after winter Song 2:11,13.
Leaves of, put forth, a sign of the approach of summer Mt 24:32.
Reasonableness of expecting fruit upon, when full of leaves Mr 11:13.
Fruit of
A species of, produced vile and worthless fruit Jer 29:17.
Leaves of, used by Adam for covering Ge 3:7.
Afforded a thick shade Joh 1:48,50.
Often unfruitful Lu 13:7.
Failure of, a great calamity Hab 3:17.
The Jews punished by
In the burning bush. Ex 3:2.
Plagued the Egyptians. Ex 9:23,24.
Led the people of Israel in the desert. Ex 13:22; 40:38.
On Mount Sinai at giving of law. De 4:11,37.
Destroyed Nadab and Abihu. Le 10:2.
Destroyed the people at Taberah. Nu 11:1.
Consumed the company of Korah. Nu 16:35.
Consumed the sacrifice of Gideon. Jdj 6:21.
Angel ascended in. Jdj 13:20.
Consumed the sacrifice of Elijah. 1Ki 18:38.
Destroyed the enemies of Elijah. 2Ki 1:10,12.
Elijah taken up in a chariot of. 2Ki 2:11.