Torrey's New Topical Textbook
Dead, The.
They who have departed this life
Ge 23:2; 25:8; Job 1:19.
Terms used to express
2Ki 19:35; Na 3:3.
Nu 14:29,32,33; 1Ki 13:24.
Those who are not.
Mt 2:18.
Isa 26:14; Mt 22:25.
Characterised by
Being without the Spirit.
Jas 2:26.
Being incapable of motion.
Mt 28:4; Re 1:17.
Ignorance of all human affairs.
Ec 9:5.
Absence of all human passions.
Ec 9:6.
Inability to glorify God.
Ps 115:17.
Return not to this life
Job 7:9,10; 14:10,14.
Eyes of, closed by nearest of kin
Ge 46:4.
Were washed and laid out
Ac 9:37.
Were wrapped in lined with spices
Joh 19:40.
Mourning for, often
Very great.
Ge 27:35; Jer 31:15; Mt 2:18; Joh 11:33.
Loud and clamorous.
Jer 16:6; Mr 5:38.
By hired mourners.
Jer 9:17,18; Am 5:16.
With plaintive music.
Jer 48:36; Mt 9:23.
Testified by change of apparel.
2Sa 14:2.
Testified by taring the hair.
Jer 16:7.
Testified by covering the head.
2Sa 19:4.
Testified by rending the garments.
Ge 37:34; 2Sa 3:31.
Lasted many days.
Ge 37:34; 50:3,10.
Regard often shown to the memory of
Ru 1:8.
Too soon forgotten
Ps 31:12; Ec 9:5.
Heathenish expressions of grief for, forbidden
Le 19:28; De 14:1,2.
All offerings to, forbidden
De 26:14.
Touching of, caused uncleanness
Nu 19:11,13,16; 9:6,7.
In a house rendered it unclean
Nu 19:14,15.
Even bones of, caused uncleanness
Nu 19:16; 2Ch 34:5.
A priest not to mourn for, except when near of kin
Le 21:1-3; Eze 44:25.
High priest in no case to mourn for
Le 21:10,11.
Nazarites not to touch or mourn for
Nu 6:6,7.
Those defiled by, removed from the camp
Nu 5:2.
Uncleanness contracted from, removed by the water separation
Nu 19:12,18.
Tore themselves for.
Jer 16:7.
Offered sacrifices for.
Ps 106:28.
Invoked and consulted.
1Sa 28:7,8.
Consecrated part of their crops to.
De 26:14.
The Jews looked for a resurrection from
Isa 26:19; Ac 24:15.
Instances of, restored to life before Christ
1Ki 17:22; 2Ki 4:34-36; 13:21.
Instances of, restored by Christ
Mt 9:25; Lu 7:15; Joh 11:44; Ac 9:40; 20:12.
Illustrative of
Man's state by nature.
2Co 5:4; Eph 2:1,5.
A state of deep affliction, &c.
Ps 88:5,6; 143:3; Isa 59:10.
Freedom from the power of sin.
Ro 6:2,8,11; Col 3:3.
Freedom from the law.
Ro 7:4.
Faith without works.
1Ti 5:6; Jas 2:17,26.
Diviners &c.
Isa 8:19.
Ge 20:3; Ro 4:19.
Death, Eternal.
The necessary consequence of sin
Ro 6:16,21; 8:13; Jas 1:15.
The wages of sin
Ro 6:23.
The portion of the wicked
Mt 25:41,46; Ro 1:32.
The way to, described
Ps 9:17; Mt 7:13.
Self-righteousness leads to
Pr 14:12.
God alone can inflict
Mt 10:28; Jas 4:12.
Is described as
Banishment from God.
2Th 1:9.
Society with the devil &c.
Mt 25:41.
A lake of fire.
Re 19:20; 21:8.
The worm that dies not.
Mr 9:44.
Outer darkness.
Mt 25:30.
A mist of darkness for ever.
2Pe 2:17.
Indignation, wrath, &c.
Ro 2:8,9.
Is called
Ro 9:22; 2Th 1:9.
2Pe 2:12.
The wrath to come.
1Th 1:10.
The second death.
Re 2:11.
A resurrection to damnation.
Joh 5:29.
A resurrection to shame &c.
Da 12:2.
Damnation of hell.
Mt 23:33.
Everlasting punishment.
Mt 25:46.
Shall be inflicted by Christ
Mt 25:31,41; 2Th 1:7,8.
Christ, the only way of escape from
Joh 3:16; 8:51; Ac 4:12.
Saints shall escape
Re 2:11; 20:6.
Strive to preserve others from
Jas 5:20.
Lu 16:23-26.
Death, Natural.
By Adam
Ge 3:19; 1Co 15:21,22.
Consequence of sin
Ge 2:17; Ro 5:12.
Lot of all
Ec 8:8; Heb 9:27.
Ordered by God
De 32:39; Job 14:5.
Puts an end to earthly projects
Ec 9:10.
Strips of earthly possessions
Job 1:21; 1Ti 6:7.
Levels all ranks
Job 3:17-19.
Conquered by Christ
Ro 6:9; Re 1:18.
Abolished by Christ
2Ti 1:10.
Shall finally be destroyed by Christ
Ho 13:14; 1Co 15:26.
Christ delivers from the fear of
Heb 2:15.
Regard, as at hand
Job 14:1,2; Ps 39:4,5; 90:9; 1Pe 1:24.
Prepare for
2Ki 20:1.
Pray to be prepared for
Ps 39:4,13; 90:12.
Consideration of, a motive to diligence
Ec 9:10; Joh 9:4.
When averted for a season, is a motive to increased devotedness
Ps 56:12,13; 118:17; Isa 38:18,20.
Enoch and Elijah were exempted from
Ge 5:24; Heb 11:5; 2Ki 2:11.
All shall be raised from
Ac 24:15.
None subject to in heaven
Lu 20:36; Re 21:4.
Illustrates the change produced in conversion
Ro 6:2; Col 2:20.
Is described as
A sleep.
De 31:16; Joh 11:11.
The earthly house of this tabernacle being dissolved.
2Co 5:1.
Putting off this tabernacle.
2Pe 1:14.
God requiring the soul.
Lu 12:20.
Going the way whence there is no return.
Job 16:22.
Gathering to our people.
Ge 49:33.
Going down into silence.
Ps 115:17.
Yielding up the spirit.
Ac 5:10.
Returning to dust.
Ge 3:19; Ps 104:29.
Being cut down.
Job 14:2.
Fleeing as a shadow.
Job 14:2.
Php 1:23.
Death of Christ, The.
Isa 53:8; Da 9:26; Zec 13:7.
Appointed by God
Isa 53:6,10; Ac 2:23.
Necessary for the redemption of man
Lu 24:46; Ac 17:3.
Acceptable, as a sacrifice to God
Mt 20:28; Eph 5:2; 1Th 5:10.
Was voluntary
Isa 53:12; Mt 26:53; Joh 10:17,18.
Was undeserved
Isa 53:9.
Mode of
Foretold by Christ.
Mt 20:18,19; Joh 12:32,33.
Nu 21:8; Joh 3:14.
Heb 12:2.
Ga 3:13.
Exhibited His humility.
Php 2:8.
A stumbling block to Jews.
1Co 1:23.
Foolishness to Gentiles.
1Co 1:18,23.
Demanded by the Jews
Mt 27:22,23.
Inflicted by the Gentiles
Mt 27:26-35.
In the company of malefactors
Isa 53:12; Mt 27:38.
Accompanied by supernatural signs
Mt 27:45,51-53.
Emblematical of the death to sin
Ro 6:3-8; Ga 2:20.
Commemorated in the ordinance of the Lord's supper
Lu 22:19,20; 1Co 11:26-29.