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Chapter 20

Of the Gospel, and of the Extent of the Grace Thereof

Paras Theme: The special revelation of the gospel
1 I. The inauguration of this revelation
A. The framework in which it was inaugurated
B. The form in which it was inaugurated
C. The function for which it was inaugurated
D. The fulness with which it was inaugurated
2 II. The necessity of this revelation
A. The affirmation of its necessity
B. The implications of its necessity
3 III. The sovereignty of this revelation
A. The assertion of this sovereignty
B. The implication of this sovereignty
C. The result of this sovereignty
4 IV. The sufficiency of this revelation
A. The assertion of its sufficiency
C. The qualification of its sufficiency

From: Samuel E. Waldron, A Modern Exposition of the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, (Evangelical Press, 1989), p244. Used by permission.

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