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Chapter 11

Of Justification

1 I. The defined nature of justification
A. The essence of justification: pardon and acceptance
1. Negatively: it is not a moral transformation
2. Positively: it is a legal transaction
B. The basis of justification
1. Negatively: not from us
2. Positively: but from Christ
C. The method of justification: imputation
1. Negatively: not by imputing faith itself or evangelical obedience to us as our righteousness
2. Positively: but by imputing Christ's active and passive obedience
2 II. Instrumental means of justification
A. The uniqueness of faith
B. The accompaniment of faith
3 III. The regulating design of justification
4 IV. The specified occasion of justification
5 V. The balancing reality to justification
6 VI. The unchanging uniformity of justification

From: Samuel E. Waldron, A Modern Exposition of the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, (Evangelical Press, 1989), p155-156. Used by permission.

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