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Doctrinal Distinctives of the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith

Doctrinal Distinctive Opposing Error Chapt.Para Major Scriptural Support
1. Christian (Orthodox) Damning Heretical Doctrines
1.1 re: Scripture Liberal; Neo-Orthodox Ch. 1 1Jn 4:6
1.2 re: God Jehovah Witness Ch. 2 1Jn 5:12; 2Jn 7-11
1.3 re: Creation & Providence Evolution, Chance Ch. 4, 5, 6 Ac 17:30-31
1.4 re: Christ Liberal; Neo-Orthodox

Jehovah Witness

Ch. 8 Ro 10:9-10
1.5 re: The Gospel Roman Catholic Ch. 11 Gal 1:6-10
1.6 re: The Christian Life Easy Believism Ch. 11.2, 13 1Co 6:9-10
1.7 re: The World to Come Universalism


Ch. 31, 32 2Ti 2:16-18; Re 22:19; 20:15; 14:9-11
2. Covenantal Dispensational Ch. 7 Ac 4:12; Jer 31:31-34; 1Co 11:25; Ro 9:6; Gal 3:29; Php 3:3
3. Calvinistic

(Following the cannons of the Synod of Dort)

Arminian (Hypercalvinist)
3.1 The Planning of Salvation:

Unconditional Election

Foreseen Merit Ch. 3 Mt 11:20-28; Eph 1:4-5
3.2 The Accomplishment of Salvation:

Definite Atonement

Universal Atonement Ch. 8.5; 8.8 Ro 8:32
3.3 Conversion
3.3.1 Total Inability (Depravity) Prevenient Grace Ch. 9 (Ch. 6) Ro 8:7-8; Jer 13:23; Jn 6:44
3.3.2 The Free Offer of the Gospel Hypercalvinism Ch. 7.2, Ch. 20.3 Mt 28-30; 28:19; Jn 5:34
3.3.3 Irresistible Grace Decisionism Ch 10, Ch. 20.4 Ro 9:14-16
3.4 The Christian Life:

Perseverance of the Saints

Falling from Grace Ch. 17 Php 1:6
4. Puritan
4.1 Liberty of Conscience Legalism; Traditionalism; Catholicism; Anglicanism Ch. 21 Ro 14:4; Mt 15:9
4.2 God-honoring Worship Ch. 22; 23
4.2.1 The Regulative Principle Anglicanism; Sovereign Grace; Charismatic Ch. 22.1 De 12:32
4.2.2 God's Designated Day:

The Christian Sabbath

Libertarian, Sovereign Grace Ch. 22.7, 22.8 Ex 20:8; 1Co 16:1-2; Is 58:13
4.3 The Priority of Experimental Religion:

Scrupulous piety and devotion

Theonomy; Formalism; Health-Wealth; Charismatic; Sovereign Grace Ch. 10 - 20
4.3.1 Careful Consideration of the Blessings of Experimental Religion Ch. 10 - 13 Calling, Justification, Adoption, Sanctification
4.3.2 Diligent Cultivation of the Graces of Experimental Religion Ch. 14 - 18 Faith, Repentance, Good Works, Perseverance, Assurance
4.3.3 Conscientious Compliance with the Obligations of Experimental Religion:

Evangelical Obedience to God's Law and Gospel

Ch. 19 - 20 Ro 2:14-15; 3:19-20, 31; 7:7-12, 25; 8:4, 7; 13:8-10; Ro 1:15-17; 2:16
4.4 The Propriety of Civic Duty Anabaptists, Pietism Ch. 24 Lk 3:14
4.5 The Propriety and Purity of Christian Marriage Romanists, Asceticism Ch. 25 Heb 13:4; 1Ti 4:3
5. Independent and Baptistic
5.1 re: separation of Church & State Erastianism; established religion Ch. 24 (deletion of WC paragraph) Col 1:18; 1Co 12:27-28; Ac 16:4; 1Co 6:1
5.2 re: Universal Church Principles Landmarkism; Roman Catholicism Ch. 26.1 - 4 Heb 12:23; Eph 3:21; Gal 1:13, 22
5.3 re: Local Church Polity

(Adapted from the Savoy Platform of Polity)

Ch. 26.5 - 15
5.3.1 Regenerate Local Church Membership Paedobaptism; formalism Ch. 26.2, 26.6

(SP 8)

Ac 2:41-42; 5:13-14; 2Co 6:14-18
5.3.2 Mandatory and Autonomous Local Church Formation Denominationalism; Synodical government Ch. 26.5, 26.7

(SP 2, 3, 4)

Mt 18:15-20; 28:20; Ac 14:21-23
5.3.3 Presbyterial Local Church Government Episcopal; Congregational Ch. 26.8 - 11

(SP 7, 9, 11, 13)

Ac 14:21-23; 20:17,28; Php 1:1; Tit 1:5
5.3.4 The Necessity of Local Church Discipline Pragmatism, crass individualism Ch. 26.12 - 13

(SP 20, 21)

Mt 18:15-17; Ro 16:17-20; 1Co 5:1-11; 2Th 3:6, 14-15; Tit 3:10-11
5.3.5 The Propriety and Benefit of Local Church Associations Landmarkism Ch. 26.14 - 15

(SP 25, 26)

2Co 8:18-19, 23
5.4 re: Broader Church Fellowship and Benevolence Social gospel; Parachurch movements Ch. 27 1Co 12:14-27; Ac 11:29-30
5.5 re: Sacraments Ch. 28 - 30
5.5.1 Believer Only Baptism Paedobaptism Ac 2:41; 8:12; 10:47-48; 18:8; Col 2:11-12
5.5.2 Believer Only Communion The Mass Heb 9:25-26, 28; 1Co 11:24

This table was prepared by Pastor Greg Nichols, Grand Rapids Reformed Baptist Church. Used by permission.

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