THE EPISTLE OF PAUL TO PHILEMON Commentary by A. R. FAUSSETT INTRODUCTION The testimonies to its authenticity are--ORIGEN [Homily 19, on Jeremiah, vol. 1., p. 185, Edition Huetius], cites it as the letter of Paul to Philemon concerning Onesimus; TERTULLIAN [Against Marcion, 5.21]: "The brevity of this Epistle is the sole cause of its escaping the falsifying hands of Marcion." EUSEBIUS [Ecclesiastical History, 3.25], mentions it among "the universally acknowledged Epistles of the canon"; JEROME [Commentary on Philemon, vol. iv., p. 442], argues for it against those who objected to its canonicity on the ground of its subject being beneath an apostle to write about. IGNATIUS [Epistle to the Ephesians, 2; Epistle to the Magnesians, 12], seems to allude to Phm 20. Compare Epistle to Polycarp [1 and 6]. Its brevity is the cause of its not being often quoted by the Fathers. PALEY [Horæ Paulinæ], has shown striking proofs of its authenticity in the undesigned coincidences between it and the Epistle to the Colossians. PLACE AND TIME OF WRITING.--This Epistle is closely linked with the Epistle to the Colossians. Both were carried by the same bearer, Onesimus (with whom, however, Tychicus is joined in the Epistle to the Colossians), Col 4:9. The persons sending salutations are the same, except one, Jesus called Justus (Col 4:11). In both alike Archippus is addressed (Phm 2; Col 4:17). Paul and Timothy stand in the headings of both. And in both Paul appears as a prisoner (Phm 9; Col 4:18). Hence it follows, it was written at the same time and place as the Epistle to the Colossians (which was about the same time as the Epistle to the Ephesians), namely, at Rome, during Paul's first imprisonment, A.D. 61 or 62. OBJECT.--Onesimus, of Colosse ("one of you," Col 4:9), slave of Philemon, had fled from his master to Rome, after having probably defrauded him (Phm 18). He there was converted to Christianity by Paul, and being induced by him to return to his master, he was furnished with this Epistle, recommending him to Philemon's favorable reception, as being now no longer a mere servant, but also a brother in Christ. Paul ends by requesting Philemon to prepare him a lodging, as he trusted soon to be set free and visit Colosse. This Epistle is addressed also to Apphia, supposed from its domestic subject to have been Philemon's wife, and Archippus (a minister of the Colossian Church, Col 4:17), for the same reason, supposed to be a near relative. Onesimus in the Apostolical Canons [73], is said to have been emancipated by his master. The Apostolical Constitutions [7.46] state that he was consecrated by Paul, bishop of Berea, in Macedonia, and that he was martyred at Rome. IGNATIUS [Epistle to the Ephesians, 1], speaks of him as bishop of the Ephesians. STYLE.--It has been happily termed, from its graceful and delicate urbanity, "the polite Epistle." Yet there is nothing of insincere compliment, miscalled politeness by the world. It is manly and straightforward, without misrepresentation or suppression of facts; at the same time it is most captivatingly persuasive. ALFORD quotes LUTHER'S eloquent description, "This Epistle showeth a right, noble, lovely example of Christian love. Here we see how St. Paul layeth himself out for the poor Onesimus, and with all his means pleadeth his cause with his master, and so setteth himself as if he were Onesimus, and had himself done wrong to Philemon. Yet all this doeth he, not with force, as if he had right thereto, but he stripped himself of his right, and thus enforceth Philemon to forego his right also. Even as Christ did for us with God the Father, thus also doth St. Paul for Onesimus with Philemon: for Christ also stripped Himself of His right, and by love and humility enforced [?] the Father to lay aside His wrath and power, and to take us to His grace for the sake of Christ, who lovingly pleadeth our cause, and with all His heart layeth Himself out for us; for we are all His Onesimi, to my thinking." Phm 1-25. ADDRESS. THANKSGIVING FOR PHILEMON'S LOVE AND FAITH. INTERCESSION FOR ONESIMUS. CONCLUDING REQUEST AND SALUTATIONS. This Epistle affords a specimen of the highest wisdom as to the manner in which Christians ought to manage social affairs on more exalted principles.
1. prisoner of Jesus Christ--one whom Christ's cause has made a
prisoner (compare "in the bonds of the Gospel,"
(Phm 13).
He does not call himself, as in other Epistles, "Paul an apostle," as
he is writing familiarly, not authoritatively.
2. Apphia--the Latin, "Appia"; either the wife or some
close relative of Philemon. She and Archippus, if they had not belonged
to his family, would not have been included with Philemon in the
address of a letter on a domestic matter.
4. always--joined by ALFORD with, "I thank my God."
5. Hearing--the ground of his thanksgiving. It is a delicate
mark of authenticity, that he says "hearing" as to churches and persons
whom he had not seen or then visited. Now Colosse, Philemon's
place of residence, he had never yet seen. Yet
Phm 19
here implies that Philemon was his convert. Philemon, doubtless, was
converted at Ephesus, or in some other place where he met Paul.
6. That--The aim of my thanksgiving and prayers for thee is,
in order that the, &c.
7. For--a reason for the prayer,
Phm 4-6.
8. Wherefore--Because of my love to thee, I prefer to
"beseech," rather than "enjoin," or authoritatively
9. for love's sake--mine to thee, and (what ought to be) thine
to Onesimus. Or, that Christian love of which thou showest so bright an
(Phm 7).
10. I beseech thee--emphatically repeated from Phm 9. In the Greek, the name "Onesimus" is skilfully put last, he puts first a favorable description of him before he mentions the name that had fallen into so bad repute with Philemon. "I beseech thee for my son, whom I have begotten in my bonds, Onesimus." Scripture does not sanction slavery, but at the same time does not begin a political crusade against it. It sets forth principles of love to our fellow men which were sure (as they have done) in due time to undermine and overthrow it, without violently convulsing the then existing political fabric, by stirring up slaves against their masters.
11. Which . . . was . . .
unprofitable--belying his name Onesimus, which means "profitable."
Not only was he "unprofitable," but positively injurious, having
"wronged" his master. Paul uses a mild expression.
12. mine own bowels--as dear to me as my own heart [ALFORD]. Compare Phm 17, "as myself." The object of my most intense affection as that of a parent for a child.
13. I--emphatical. I for my part. Since I had such
implicit trust in him as to desire to keep him with me for his
services, thou mayest.
14. without thy mind--that is, consent.
15. perhaps--speaking in human fashion, yet as one believing
that God's Providence probably (for we cannot dogmatically define the
hidden purposes of God in providence) overruled the past evil to
ultimately greater good to him. This thought would soften Philemon's
indignation at Onesimus' past offense. So Joseph in
Ge 45:5.
16. No longer as a mere servant or slave (though still he is
that), but above a servant, so that thou shalt derive from him not
merely the services of a slave, but higher benefits: a servant
"in the flesh," he is a brother "in the Lord."
17. a partner--in the Christian fellowship of faith, hope, and
18. Greek, "But it (thou art not inclined to 'receive
him' because) he hath wronged thee"; a milder term than "robbed thee."
Onesimus seems to have confessed some such act to Paul.
19. with mine own hand--not employing an amanuensis, as in other
Epistles: a special compliment to Philemon which he ought to show his
appreciation of by granting Paul's request. Contrast
Col 4:18,
which shows that the Epistle to the Colossian Church, accompanying this
Epistle, had only its closing "salutation" written by Paul's own hand.
20. let me--"me" is emphatic: "Let me have profit (so
Greek 'for joy,' onainen, referring to the name
Onesimus, 'profitable') from thee, as thou
shouldst have had from Onesimus"; for "thou owest thine ownself to me."
21. Having confidence in thy obedience--to my apostolic
authority, if I were to "enjoin" it
(Phm 8),
which I do not, preferring to beseech thee for it as a favor
(Phm 9).
22. This prospect of Paul's visiting Colosse would tend to
secure a kindly reception for Onesimus, as Paul would know in person
how he had been treated.
23. The same persons send salutations in the accompanying
Epistle, except that "Jesus Justus" is not mentioned here.
25. be with your spirit-- (Ga 6:18; 2Ti 4:22).