THE BOOK OF OBADIAH Commentary by A. R. FAUSSETT INTRODUCTION This is the shortest book in the Old Testament. The name means "servant of Jehovah." Obadiah stands fourth among the minor prophets according to the Hebrew arrangement of the canon, the fifth according to the Greek. Some consider him to be the same as the Obadiah who superintended the restoration of the temple under Josiah, 627 B.C. (2Ch 34:12). But Ob 11-16, 20 imply that Jerusalem was by this time overthrown by the Chaldeans, and that he refers to the cruelty of Edom towards the Jews on that occasion, which is referred to also in La 4:21, 22; Eze 25:12-14; 35:1-15; Ps 137:7. From comparing Ob 5 with Jer 49:9, Ob 6 with Jer 49:10, Ob 8 with Jer 49:7, it appears that Jeremiah embodied in his prophecies part of Obadiah's, as he had done in the case of other prophets also (compare Isa 15:1-16:14 with Jer 48:1-47). The reason for the present position of Obadiah before other of the minor prophets anterior in date is: Amos at the close of his prophecies foretells the subjugation of Edom hereafter by the Jews; the arranger of the minor prophets in one volume, therefore, placed Obadiah next, as being a fuller statement, and, as it were, a commentary on the foregoing briefer prophecy of Amos as to Edom [MAURER]. (Compare Am 1:11). The date of Obadiah's prophecies was probably immediately after the taking of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, 588 B.C. Five years afterwards (583 B.C.) Edom was conquered by Nebuchadnezzar. Jeremiah must have incorporated part of Obadiah's prophecies with his own immediately after they were uttered, thus stamping his canonicity. JEROME makes him contemporary with Hosea, Joel, and Amos. It is an argument in favor of this view that Jeremiah would be more likely to insert in his prophecies a portion from a preceding prophet than from a contemporary. If so, the allusion in Ob 11-14 will be to one of the former captures of Jerusalem: by the Egyptians under Rehoboam (1Ki 14:25, 26; 2Ch 12:2, &c.), or that by the Philistines and Arabians in the reign of Joram (2Ch 21:16, 17); or that by Joash, king of Israel, in the reign of Amaziah (2Ch 25:22, 23); or that in the reign of Jehoiakim (2Ki 24:1, &c.); or that in the reign of Jehoiachin (2Ki 24:8-16). On all occasions the Idumeans were hostile to the Jews; and the terms in which that enmity is characterized are not stronger in Obadiah than in Joe 3:19 (compare Ob 10); Am 1:11, 12. The probable capture of Jerusalem alluded to by Obadiah is that by Joash and the Israelites in the reign of Amaziah. For as, a little before, in the reign of the same Amaziah, the Jews had treated harshly the Edomites after conquering them in battle (2Ch 25:11-23), it is probable that the Edomites, in revenge, joined the Israelites in the attack on Jerusalem [JAEGER]. This book may be divided into two parts: (1) Ob 1-6 set forth Edom's violence toward his brother Israel in the day of the latter's distress, and his coming destruction with the rest of the foes of Judah; (2) Ob 17-21, the coming re-establishment of the Jews in their own possessions, to which shall be added those of the neighboring peoples, and especially those of Edom. CHAPTER 1 Ob 1-21. DOOM OF EDOM FOR CRUELTY TO JUDAH, EDOM'S BROTHER; RESTORATION OF THE JEWS.
1. Obadiah--that is, servant of Jehovah; same as Abdeel and
Arabic Abd-allah.
2. I have made thee small--Thy reduction to insignificance is as sure as if it were already accomplished; therefore the past tense is used [MAURER]. Edom then extended from Dedan of Arabia to Bozrah in the north (Jer 49:8, 13). CALVIN explains it, "Whereas thou wast made by Me an insignificant people, why art thou so proud" (Ob 3)? But if so, why should the heathen peoples be needed to subdue one so insignificant? Jer 49:15, confirms MAURER'S view. 3. clefts of . . . rock-- (So 2:14; Jer 48:28). The cities of Edom, and among them Petra (Hebrew, sela, meaning "rock," 2Ki 14:7, Margin), the capital, in the Wady Musa, consisted of houses mostly cut in the rocks.
4. exalt thyself--or supply from the second clause, "thy nest"
[MAURER] (Compare
Job 20:6;
Jer 49:16;
Am 9:2).
5. The spoliation which thou shalt suffer shall not be such as that which thieves cause, bad as that is, for these when they have seized enough, or all they can get in a hurry, leave the rest--nor such as grape-gatherers cause in a vineyard, for they, when they have gathered most of the grapes, leave gleanings behind--but it shall be utter, so as to leave thee nothing. The exclamation, "How art thou cut off!" bursting in amidst the words of the image, marks strongly excited feeling. The contrast between Edom where no gleanings shall be left, and Israel where at the worst a gleaning is left (Isa 17:6; 24:13), is striking.
6. How are the things of Esau searched out!--by hostile soldiers
seeking booty. Compare with
Ob 5, 6
here, Jer 49:9, 10.
7. Men of thy confederacy--that is, thy confederates.
(Isa 49:7;
Job 5:12, 13;
Isa 19:3;
Jer 19:7).
9. cut off by slaughter--MAURER translates, "on account of the slaughter," namely, that inflicted on Judea by Edom (compare Ob 14). The Septuagint, Syriac, and Vulgate connect these words with Ob 10, "for the slaughter, for the violence (of which thou art guilty) against thy brother Jacob." English Version, "cut off by slaughter" (that is, an utter cutting off), answers well to "cut off for ever" (Ob 10). However, the arrangement of the Septuagint gives a better parallelism in Ob 10. "For the slaughter" (1) being balanced in just retribution by "thou shalt be cut off for ever" (4); as "For thy violence (not so bad as slaughter) against thy brother Jacob" (2) is balanced by "shame (not so bad as being cut off) shall cover thee" (3). Shame and extinction shall repay violence and slaughter (Mt 26:52; Re 13:10). Compare as to Edom's violence, Ps 137:7; Eze 25:12; Am 1:11.
10. against thy brother--This aggravates the sin of Esau, that it
was against him who was his brother by birth and by circumcision. The
posterity of Esau followed in the steps of their father's hatred to
Jacob by violence against Jacob's seed
(Ge 27:41).
11. thou stoodest on the other side--in an attitude of hostility,
rather than the sympathy which became a brother, feasting thine eyes
Ob 12)
with the misery of Jacob, and eagerly watching for his destruction. So
Messiah, the antitype to Jerusalem, abandoned by His kinsmen
(Ps 38:11).
12. looked on--with malignant pleasure, and a brutal stare. So the
antitypes, Messiah's foes
(Ps 22:17).
MAURER translates, as the Margin, "thou
shouldest not look" any more. English Version agrees with the
context better.
13. substance--translated "forces" in Ob 11.
14. stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his--Judah's.
15. For--resumptive in connection with
Ob 10,
wherein Edom was threatened with cutting off for ever.
16. ye . . . upon my holy mountain--a periphrasis for,
"ye Jews" [MAURER], whom Obadiah now by a sudden
apostrophe addresses. The clause, "upon My holy mountain," expresses
the reason of the vengeance to be taken on Judah's foes; namely, that
Jerusalem is God's holy mountain, the seat of His temple, and Judah His
Jer 49:12,
which is copied from Obadiah, establishes this view (compare
1Pe 4:17).
17. upon . . . Zion . . . deliverance--both in the literal sense and
spiritual sense
(Joe 2:32;
Isa 46:13; 59:20;
Ro 11:26).
MAURER as the Margin explains it, "there
shall be a remnant that shall escape." Compare
Isa 37:32;
to the deliverance from Sennacherib there described GROTIUS thinks Obadiah here refers. "Jerusalem shall not
be taken, and many of the neighboring peoples also shall find
deliverance there." Unlike Judah's heathen foes of whom no remnant
shall escape
(Ob 9, 16),
a remnant of Jews shall escape when the rest of the nation has
perished, and shall regain their ancient "possessions."
18. fire--See the same figure,
Nu 21:28;
Isa 5:24; 10:17.
19. they of the south--The Jews who in the coming time are to occupy
the south of Judea shall possess, in addition to their own territory,
the adjoining mountainous region of Edom.
20. the captivity of this host--that is, the captives of this multitude
of Israelites.
21. saviours--There will be in the kingdom yet to come no king, but
a prince; the sabbatic period of the judges will return (compare the
phrase so frequent in Judges, only once found in the times of the kings,
2Ch 14:1,
"the land had rest"), when there was no visible king, but God
reigned in the theocracy. Israelites, not strangers, shall dispense
justice to a God-fearing people
(Isa 1:26;
Eze 45:1-25).
The judges were not such a burden to the people as the kings proved
(1Sa 8:11-20).
In their time the people more readily repented than under the kings
2Ch 15:17),
[ROOS]. Judges were from time to time raised up as
saviours or deliverers of Israel from the enemy. These,
and the similar deliverers in the long subsequent age of Antiochus, the
Maccabees, who conquered the Idumeans (as here foretold, compare
2 Maccabees 10:15,23),
were types of the peaceful period yet to come to Israel.
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