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Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (1871)


      This electronic edition of Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown's one-volume Commentary on the Whole Bible has been prepared from text scanned by Woodside Bible Fellowship. The work has been completed in three passes: first, to import the text into the verse notes of the OnLine Bible, correct common scanning errors, and insert markers for Scripture references, boldface and italics; second, to verify the markers for boldfacing, italics, Scripture citations, cross references, &c.; third, to format the notes.

Expanded Electronic Version.

      The designation of this electronic edition of the commentary as expanded refers to the editor's preference for complete words rather than abbreviations in the commentary (with the exception of Scripture references); the addition of white space in layout by placing on new lines the portion of the Scripture on which commentary has been provided by the authors; the replacement of the standard abbreviations "ch." and "vs." in citations with a complete reference to the Bible book, chapter, and verse; the rendering of the abbreviation of standard reference works by Greek and Latin Fathers in full English titles. The purpose of these expansions is to make the Commentary more readable and accessible to the modern reader.

      It is worth noting that in the printed version, errors in spelling, punctuation, numbering, cross references have followed throughout the printing history of this one-volume edition of the Commentary. This electronic edition, then, may represent the first corrected edition.


      In formatting the commentary for use with the OnLine Bible, the following corrections and improvements have been made, with a view toward improving the readability and, thus, enhancing the usefulness of this reference work:

      (1) Added "white space" by beginning a new paragraph with each part of quoted Scripture for which commentary is written.

      (2) Formatted Scripture references, using the OnLine Bible abbreviations. When an entire chapter is referenced, the first and last verses are included so that the Scriptures may be viewed from the notes. The abbreviations for "chapter" ("ch." and "chs.") and "verse" ("vs." and "vss.") have been replaced with the appropriate OnLine Bible book designations. Scripture references have been checked for validity, but not necessarily for appropriateness.

      (3) Added Scripture references to quotations and allusions in the commentary. These have been enclosed within square brackets.

      (4) Standardized inconsistencies in conventions observed by the three authors. For example, in the printed edition, references to notes are indicated variously as "see on," "cf. on," "Note"; marginal notes are indicated as "Margin," "marg.," or "margin" (sometimes the word "margin" appears before the verse reference, sometime after), in roman or italic type; inferential words in Scripture are some times indicated by parentheses or square brackets, or by use of regular type when the verse is in boldface type; bibliographic citations are variously given (for instance, Josephus's The Wars of the Jews as B.J., J.B., Bell. Jud., Wars, Jewish Wars); alternate textual and marginal readings appear variously in roman type, italic type, within quotation marks; to indicate continuation of the Scripture quotation, sometimes ellipsis is used, at other times, "&c."

      (5) Expanded the following abbreviations:

    "cf." (French, "confer") as "compare" or "for comparison";
    "ed." as "edition";
    "e.g." (Latin, "exempli gratia") as "for example" or "for instance";
    "i.e." (Latin, "id est") as "that is";
    "lit." as "literal" or "literally";
    "LXX" and "Sept." as Septuagint;
    "MSS." as "manuscripts,"
    "N.B." (Latin, Nota Bene) as "Note";
    "q.d." (Latin, quasi dicat) as "As if he should say";
    "viz.," (Latin, videlicet) as "namely."

      (6) The English titles have been provided for the titles (and abbreviations of titles) of Greek and Latin books. For example, instead of adv. Haer., Irenaeus' treatise has been specified as Against Heresies; instead of De viris illustribus or Catalogus scriptorum ecclesiasticorm, or De scriptorum, Jerome's book has been designated as On Illustrious Men. For patristic works, the titles in The Early Church Fathers series have been the ones preferred. Where authors or titles abbreviated in citations cannot be identified certainly, the authors' notes have been retained. (Not all references have been checked for accuracy; however, some corrections have been provided.) The following is a list of the Greek and Latin titles and their English equivalents used in this electronic edition; variants of authors' names are also listed:

Ambrose Amularis de Officiis The Duties of the Clergy
Ambrose Ep. Epistles
Arrian Expeditio Alexandri Campaigns of Alexander
Athanasius Orat. Orations
Athenagoras De Resurrectione Mortuorum Of the Resurrection of the Dead
Augustine Civit. Dei The City of God
Augustine De Civitate Dei The City of God
Augustine De Sancta Virginitate Holy Virginity
Augustine Ad Catechumenos The Creed
Augustine De Symbolo ad Catechumenos The Creed
Augustine Enchir. de Laurentium Enchirdon
Augustine Ep. Epistles
Augustine Ep. John Ten Homilies on the First Epistle of John
Augustine Hæreses Heresies
Augustine Quæst. Evang. The Question of the Gospels
Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticæ Attic Nights
Bede Explan. Apocalypse Explanation of the Apocalypse
Birks Horæ Apostolicæ Apostolic History
Birks Horæ Evangelicæ Gospel History
Cæsar B. G. Commentaries on the Gallic War
Chrysostom De Sacerdotio On the Priesthood
Chrysostom Orationes Orations
Cicero De Natura Deorum The Nature of the Gods
Cicero Parad. Paradox
Clemens Alexandrinus Clement of Alexandria
Clement of Alexandria Pædagogus The Instructor
Clement of Alexandria Quis Dives Salvus Who Is the Rich Man Who Shall Be Saved
Clement of Alexandria Stromata Miscellanies
Clemens Romanus Clement of Rome
Clement of Rome Constitut. Apostolical Constitutions
Clement of Rome Epistola ad Corinthios Epistle to the Corinthians
Cyprian Ad Rogatian To Rogatianus
Cyprian De Bene Patientiæ On the Advantage of Patience (Treatise 9)
Cyprian De Hæreticis Baptizandis Concerning the Baptism of Heretics
Cyprian De Opere et Eleemos On Works and Alms (Treatise 8)
Cyprian De Oratione Domini On the Lord's Prayer (Treatise 4)
Cyprian Ep. Epistles
Cyril of Alexandria De Adoratione On Worship
Cyril of Jerusalem Catechesis Catechetical Lectures
Ephrem the Syrian Opp. Græc. Against the Greeks
Ephrem Syrus Ephrem the Syrian
Epiphanius Hæreses Heresies
Eusebius Chron. Chronicles
Eusebius Demonstratio Evangelicæ Demonstration of the Gospel
Eusebius H. E. Ecclesiastical History
Eusebius Præparatio Evangelica Preparation of the Gospel
Firmillian Epistle ad Cyprian Epistle to Cyprian
Hermas Shepherd Shepherd (Vision First, &c.)
Hermas Similes Similitudes (Similitude Sixth, &c.)
Hippolytus De Antichristo On Antichrist
Hippolytus Refut. of Hæres. The Refutation of All Heresies
Hovenden, Roger Angl. Chron. Annals
Ignatius Ad Symrnæos Epistle to the Symrnæans
Ignatius Epistola ad Ephesum Epistle to the Ephesians
Ignatius Epistola ad Romanos Epistle to the Romans
Ignatius Magnes. Epistle to the Magnesians
Ignatius Martyrium Ignatii The Martyrdom of Ignatius
Irenæus Adversus Hæreses Against Heresies
Irenæus Præf. Preface
Jerome Adv. err. Johann. Hieros. Against John of Jerusalem
Jerome Annotationes in Matthæum Commentary on Matthew
Jerome Catalogus Ecclesiasticorum Scriptorum, (full title, Liber De Viris Illustribus Seu Catalogus Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticus) On Illustrious Men
Jerome Catalogus Scriptorum On Illustrious Men
Jerome Catalogus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum On Illustrious Men
Jerome Contra Helvidium Against Helvidius
Jerome Contra Luciferianos Dialogues against the Luficerians
Jerome De Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum On Illustrious Men
Jerome De Viris Illustribus On Illustrious Men
Jerome Epistola ad Paulinum Epistle to Paulinus
Jerome Proæmium in Matthoeum Commentary on Matthew
Jerome Proæmium in Philemonem Commentary on Philemon
Josephus Contra Apion Against Apion
Julian Ep. Epistles
Justin Martyr Contra Tryphonen Dialogue with Trypho
Justin Martyr Dialogue contra Tryphonen Dialogue with Trypho
Justin Martyr Oratio ad Græcos Discourse to the Greeks
Justin Martyr Quæst ad Orthod.  
Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorium Of the Manner in Which the Persecutors Died
Lightfoot Horæ Hebraicæ et Talmudicæ Hebrew and Talmudic Exercitations
Macrob. Macrobius
Marcellus Cærmoniale Rom. Roman Ceremonial
Oppian Cynegetica Cynegeticks
Origen adv. Celsum Against Celsus
Origen c. Cels.
Contra Celsum
Against Celsus
Origen Principia On First Principles
Orosius Hist.
Historiarum Libri
The Seven Books of History against the Pagans
Paley Horæ Paulinæ History of St. Paul
Philo de Mon.
De Mundo Opificio
The Creation of the World
Philo Legat. ad Caium The Embassy to Gaius
Plato Legge Laws
Plautus Miles Gloriosus A Boastful Soldier
Pliny Ep. Epistles
Plutarch De Educatione Puerorum On the Education of Children
Polycarp Ep. Philipp. Epistle to the Philippians
Polycarp ad Philippenses Epistle to the Philippians
Porphyry De Abstin. On Abstinence
Primasius Ad Apocalypsin in fine Commentary on the Apocalypse
Routh Reliq. Sacr.
Reliqiuæ Sacræ
Sacred Fragments
Rufinus Expositio Symboli Apostolorum Commentary on the Apostle's Creed
Rufinus Hist.
Historia Monachorum
St. Bernard Serm. Sermon
Seneca Ep. Epistles
Socrates Historia Ecclesiastica Ecclesiastical History
Tacitus Agricola On Agriculture
Tertullian Adv. Jud. Epistle against Judaizers
Tertullian Adversus Marcion Against Marcion
Tertullian Adversus Praxean Against Praxeas
Tertullian Adversus Valentinianos Against Valentinian
Tertullian Contra Marcion Against Marcion
Tertullian Contra Gnosticos Against the Gnostics
Tertullian De Anima A Treatise on the Soul
Tertullian De Coron.
De Corona
The Chaplet
Tertullian De Baptism. On Baptism
Tertullian De Cultu Fæminarum On the Apparel of Women
Tertullian De Oratione Prayer
Tertullian De pat.
De Patientia
Tertullian De Præscriptione Haereticorum The Prescription against Heretics
Tertullian De pudicitia On Modesty
Tertullian De Resurrectione Carnis On the Resurrection of the Flesh
Tertullian De Velandis Virginibus On the Veiling of Virgins
Tertullian Scorp.
Antidote to the Scorpion's Sting
Theophilus Ad Autolychus To Autolychus
Theophylact Ad Autolychus To Autolychus
Varro Re Rust.
Rerum Rusticarium
On Agriculture
Christian A. Wahl Clavis Key of the New Testament

Citations in which the author and chapter-section notations are given, but not the title, this has been supplied. For example, [EUSEBIUS, 5.2] has been expanded to [EUSEBIUS, Ecclesiastical History, 5.2], referring the reader to the fifth chapter, the second section of that work.

      Since, in the printed edition, the use of the abbreviations in citations for "book" ("l.," for the Latin "liber"), "chapter" ("c." or "ch."), and "section" ("s." or "sec.") is somewhat erratic, these abbreivations have been eliminated (in most instances) and the Loeb system of citation has been adopted. For instance, [IRENÆUS, adversus Hæreses, 4.18, sec. 3] has been cited as [IRENÆUS, Against Heresies, 4.18.3], referring the reader to the fourth book, the eighteenth chapter, the third section.

      (7) In the printed version, both quotation mark and italics are employed to designate a word used as a word; in the electronic version, quotation marks have been used for this purpose, and the use of italics reserved for emphasis of words.

      (8) Where boldfacing has been used to highlight words within a sentence, italics have been substituted:

Pr 19:5

      5. Compare Pr 19:9, where perish explains not escape here (compare Ps 88:9, 10).

      5. Compare Pr 19:9, where perish explains not escape here (compare Ps 88:9, 10).

      (10) Passages including interpolations have been formatted in the manner of the Commentary as a whole. For example, in the printed text, the passage from Mt 2:22 is set as follows:

      notwithstanding [or more simply, "but"] being warned of God in a dream, he turned aside [withdrew] into the parts of Galilee, or the Galilean parts.

In the electronic version, however, it is set as follows:

      notwithstanding--or more simply, "but."
      being warned of God in a dream, he turned aside--withdrew.
      into the parts of Galilee--or the Galilean parts.

      When work on the Commentary was begun in 1995, it was under somewhat different editorial rules. (1) Since the OnLine Bible did not support italics at that time, quotation marks were used to indicate emphasis; emphasis within quotations in the text was ignored. (2) Since the OnLine Bible eschews hyphenated compound words, many of the hyphens used in the text were eliminated. (3) Marginal notes from the Bible were included in the Commentary to supplement those already mentioned by the authors. (4) Interpolations in quotations were set off by square brackets instead of parentheses. However, when the final pass was begun in 1997, I attempted to adhere more closely to the printed text in regard to use of italics, hyphenation, marginal notes, parentheses, and brackets.

Public Domain Status.

      This expanded edition of the Jameison-Faussett-Brown Commentary is in the public domain and may be freely used and distributed. It was first posted on the Christian Classics Ethereal Library server, at Wheaton College, in December 1997. The links to the Bible Gateway for Scripture references in that copy were added in January 1998 by Harry Plantinga. During July and August 1999, the Scripture references and links were inspected and corrected as necessary. Thanks to correspondents, especially Ken Hamel, who have offered corrections.

      Addenda and corrigenda are earnestly solicited.

Created 13 December 1997
Revised 11 July 1998
Revised 27 August 1999
Last Updated 17 October 1999

Ernie Stefanik
373 Wilson Street
Derry, PA 15627-9770

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Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (1871)

Copyright ? 2008 [www.seeking4truth.com]. All rights reserved .Revised: 05/17/2009