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War, inquiry into the lawfulness of; 4.20.11.

Wicked, the, are inexcusable, though they fulfil the appointment of God, 1.17.5; are hardened by the visitations of God, 3.4.32; difference between the chastisements of the godly and the punishment of, ib.; dreadful torments of, in hell, 3.25.12; will rise from the dead by the power of Christ as a Judge, but not as a Redeemer, 3.25.9; are often found to exist in the visible Church, 4.1.7; may remain unpunished for a time, but will at length be overtaken by the judgments of God, 1.5.8.

Will, the, examination of, 2.2.26; is enchained as the slave of sin, 2.3.5; the natural desire of good is no proof of the rectitude of, 2.2.26; inclined to good, none but the elect have, 2.3.8; is derived not from man himself; but from the good pleasure of God, ib.; faith is the beginning of; ib.

Will of God, the, is the rule of all righteousness, 2.8.5; sometimes effects its purpose by the wicked actions of man, 1.18.1; and yet this forms no excuse for their misdeeds, 1.17.5; may be viewed as two-fold, 3.24.17.

Wisdom, what is true and solid, and of how many parts it consists, 1.1.1.

Women are classed with men in genealogies, but have their proper share in the descent, 2.13.3; have no right to administer baptism, 4.15.21; what liberty of conscience is allowed to them, as to dress, and silence, and other matters, 4.10.31.

Word, the, mutual relation between faith and, 3.2.6; why it is compared to seed, 4.14.11; the people must be taught, not by images, but solely by the preaching of 1.11.7; a sacrament consists of the external sign and, 4.14.4; is a perfect rule of life, 4.10.7; Christ is called, 1.13.7.

Work, faith is sometimes called a, 3.18.10; of the Holy Spirit, faith is, 3.2.33.

World, the, was created by God, 1.14.1; is governed by divine providence, 1.16.1; of iniquity, in the human soul is treasured up a, 3.7.2.

Worship, in that it consists, 1.12.1; is due to none but the supreme God, ib.; fictitious, is offered to God by hypocrisy, 1.4.3.

Wrath of God, the, falls with indescribable severity on the rebropate, 3.25.12.


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