About this Progam and TextThe original text of the Institutes was downloaded from the Christian Classic Ethereal Library (http://ccel.org/). Originally I took this text and endeavoured to give it an simple user interface and a powerful search facility. This progam can be found at A Reformerd Baptist's Disk. Any changes or correction to the original downloaded text have been made in accordance with the single volume Beveridge text published by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1989 (1995 Reprint). This HTML version of Calvin's Institutes should run on any Web Browser. It has been tested in Netscape 4.7 and Internet Explorer 5. If you have any problems with the HTML, or you find any errors (of which I am sure there are many) please e-mail (mcjemisc@hotmail.com) me. In this HTML version (and the original Windows program) of the Institutes I have deviated from the normal convention of referring to sections of the Institutes in terms of a mixture of roman numerals and numbers for that of numbers only. This was to facilitate (hopefully) wider and easier use. My apology to the "Calvin Scholars" who may find this problematic. This HTML version of Calvin's Institutes is copyrighted, however, it is distributed as FREEWARE. The text is not copyright, only the form in which it is found in here. I would appreciate some feedback if you find it usefulness or if you encounter problems you encountered or how it might be improved. Please send your comments by e-mail (mcjemisc@hotmail.com) or post. My address is: Mr Mark Smith 34 Mona St Auburn, NSW, 2144 Australia . |
Copyright © 2008 [www.seeking4truth.com]. All rights reserved .Revised: 05/17/2009 |