The Life of the Blessed Emperor Constantine
Book I
Chapter I. Preface. Of the Death of Constantine.
Chapter II. The Preface Continued.
Chapter III. How God Honors Pious Princes, But Destroys Tyrants.
Chapter IV. That God Honored Constantine.
Chapter V. That He Reigned Above Thirty Years, and Lived Above Sixty.
Chapter VI. That He Was the Servant of God, and the Conqueror of Nations.
Chapter VII. Comparison with Cyrus, King of the Persians, and with Alexander of Macedon.
Chapter VIII. That He Conquered Nearly the Whole World.
Chapter IX. That He Was the Son of a Pious Emperor, and Bequeathed the Power to Royal Sons.
Chapter X. Of the Need for This History, and Its Value for Edification.
Chapter XI. That His Present Object is to Record Only the Pious Actions of Constantine.
Chapter XII. That Like Moses, He Was Reared in the Palaces of Kings.
Chapter XIII. Of Constantius His Father, Who Refused to Imitate Diocletian, Maximian, and Maxentius, In Their Persecution of the Christians.
Chapter XIV. How Constantius His Father, Being Reproached with Poverty by Diocletian, Filled His Treasury, and Afterwards Restored the
Money to Those by Whom It Had Been Contributed.
Chapter XV. Of the Persecution Raised by His Colleagues.
Chapter XVI. How Constantius, Feigning Idolatry, Expelled Those Who Consented to Offer Sacrifice, But Retained in His Palace All Who
Were Willing to Confess Christ.
Chapter XVII. Of His Christian Manner of Life.
Chapter XVIII. That After the Abdication of Diocletian and Maximian, Constantius Became Chief Augustus, and Was Blessed with a Numerous
Chapter XIX. Of His Son Constantine, Who in His Youth Accompanied Diocletian into Palestine.
Chapter XX. Flight of Constantine to His Father Because of the Plots of Diocletian.
Chapter XXI. Death of Constantius, Who Leaves His Son Constantine Emperor.
Chapter XXII. How, After the Burial of Constantius, Constantine Was Proclaimed Augustus by the Army.
Chapter XXIII. A Brief Notice of the Destruction of the Tyrants.
Chapter XXIV. It Was by the Will of God that Constantine Became Possessed of the Empire.
Chapter XXV. Victories of Constantine Over the Barbarians and the Britons.
Chapter XXVI. How He Resolved to Deliver Rome from Maxentius.
Chapter XXVII. That After Reflecting on the Dawnfall of Those Who Had Worshiped Idols, He Made Choice of Christianity.
Chapter XXVIII. How, While He Was Praying, God Sent Him a Vision of a Cross of Light in the Heavens at Mid-Day, with an Inscription
Admonishing Him to Conquer by that.
Chapter XXIX. How the Christ of God Appeared to Him in His Sleep, and Commanded Him to Use in His Wars a Standard Made in the Form
of the Cross.
Chapter XXX. The Making of the Standard of the Cross.
Chapter XXXI. A Description of the Standard of the Cross, Which the Romans Now Call the Labarum.
Chapter XXXII. How Constantine Received Instruction, and Read the Sacred Scriptures.
Chapter XXXIII. Of the Adulterous Conduct of Maxentius at Rome.
Chapter XXXIV. How the Wife of a Prefect Slew Herself for Chastity's Sake.
Chapter XXXV. Massacre of the Roman People by Maxentius.
Chapter XXXVI. Magic Arts of Maxentius Against Constantine; And Famine at Rome.
Chapter XXXVII. Defeat of Maxentius's Armies in Italy.
Chapter XXXVIII. Death of Maxentius on the Bridge of the Tiber.
Chapter XXXIX. Constantine's Entry into Rome.
Chapter XL. Of the Statue of Constantine Holding a Cross, and Its Inscription.
Chapter XLI. Rejoicings Throughout the Provinces; And Constantine's Acts of Grace.
Chapter XLII. The Honors Conferred Upon Bishops, and the Building of Churches.
Chapter XLIII. Constantine's Liberality to the Poor.
Chapter XLIV. How He Was Present at the Synods of Bishops.
Chapter XLV. His Forbearance with Unreasonable Men.
Chapter XLVI. Victories Aver the Barbarians.
Chapter XLVII. Death of Maximin, Who Had Attempted a Conspiracy, and of Others Whom Constantine Detected by Divine Revelation.
Chapter XLVIII. Celebration of Constantine's Decennalia.
Chapter XLIX. How Licinius Oppressed the East.
Chapter L. How Licinius Attempted a Conspiracy Against Constantine.
Chapter LI. Intrigues of Licinius Against the Bishops, and His Prohibition of Synods.
Chapter LII. Banishment of the Christians, and Confiscation of Their Property.
Chapter LIII. Edict that Women Should Not Meet with the Men in the Churches.
Chapter LIV. That Those Who Refuse to Sacrifice are to Be Dismissed from Military Service, and Those in Prison Not to Be Fed.
Chapter LV. The Lawless Conduct and Covetousness of Licinius.
Chapter LVI. At Length He Undertakes to Raise a Persecution.
Chapter LVII. That Maximian,107 Brought Low by a Fistulous Ulcer with Worms, Issued an Edict in Favor of the Christians.
Chapter LVIII. That Maximin, Who Had Persecuted the Christians, Was Compelled to Fly, and Conceal Himself in the Disguise of a Slave.
Chapter LIX. That Maximin, Blinded by Disease, Issued an Edict in Favor of the Christians.