A Study of the Last Two Visions of Daniel, and
of the Olivet Discourse of the Lord Jesus Christ
Philip Mauro
"Writings and addresses on prophecy always excite interest,
because they appeal to the element of curiosity which is prominent in human
nature. But such writings and addresses are of benefit only so far as they
rightly interpret the Scripture. In the case of unfulfilled prophecy this is
oftentimes a matter of difficulty; while on the other hand writers on
prophetic themes are under constant temptation to indulge in surmises and
speculations, and even in flights of imagination. Much has been put forth as
interpretation of prophecy which is utterly unproved, but which could not be
disproved except, as in cases where dates have been set for the coming of
Christ, by the event itself."
Philip Mauro wrote these words just after the turn of the century. At this
time, the popular Scofield Reference Bible had just appeared on the
Christian book market with its claim to restore "Dispensational truth" to the
Church. With great skill and readability, Mauro's work aptly repudiates the
"parenthesis theory" that has been perpetuated even in our own day by modern
Dispensational writers on prophecy, and lays the foundation of what the
biblical teaching concerning the destiny of the nation of Israel.
Principles That Should Govern in the Interpretation of Prophecy
Nothing Should be Based upon Surmise-Proofs Should be Drawn from the Scripture
Itself, which is the only Authority in Matters of Interpretation-But History
Must be Appealed to in order to Show Fulfilment of Prophecy. BIBLE CHRONOLOGY:
The Bible Contains its own Chronology.- "DANIEL THE PROPHET"-An Exact
Time-Measure to the Coming and Crucifixion of Christ-Special Features of the
Prophecy of The Seventy Weeks.
The Commandment To Restore and To Build
Differences of opinion as to the Starting Point of the Prophecy Arising from
Disregard of Bible Chronology-The Defectiveness of all Systems Based on the
"Canon" of Ptolemy -Martin Anstey's Chronology Based on the Bible Alone. THE
DECREE OF CYRUS THE GREAT-Isaiah's Prophecies Concerning Cyrus. Josephus'
References to Cyrus-Decrees by later Persian Kings-Nehemiah's Work on the
Details of
The Seventy Weeks
The Six Predictions of v. 24. The Division of the Period into Three Parts-"To
Finish the Transgression To Make an End of Sins"-"To Make Reconciliation for
Iniquity"- "To Bring in Everlasting Righteousness"-"To Seal up Vision and
Prophecy"-"To Anoint the Most Holy Place."
"Unto The Messiah The Prince"
The Terminal Point of the Sixty-Nine Weeks; The Baptism and Anointing of
Jesus- The Manifestation to Israel Beginning of the Lord's ministry-Proofs
which fix the Terminal Point of the 483 Years-The Prince.
Messiah "Cut Off"
The "Time" and the "Hour"-The Lord's Earthly Ministry -The Judgment: "The
Prince that Shall Come"-Different Opinions as to the Time of His Coming-Titus,
Son of Vespasian- was the Prince (or Commander) of the Roman Armies which
Destroyed the City and Desolated the Land- The Terms of the Prophecy Forbid
its Application to a Future Personage.
The Seventieth Week
The Interpretation of verse 27-Who is the Person Referred to? What "Covenant"
is it? And what Sacrifices?-"For One Week"-The Septuagint Rendering.
Are The Seventy Weeks Consecutive?
The Idea of a Detached and "Postponed" Seventieth Week Examined-Various Proofs
that the Seventy Weeks are a Continuous Measure of Time-The Past Fulfillment
of verse 27 Proves this-Many Bands that Clasp the Seventieth Week Firmly to
the Other Sixty-nine-Why the Entire Period is Divided into Three Parts-The
Overspreading of Abominations-The Decree of Cyrus Again - The Remainder of the
Seventieth Week-God's Prophetic Time-Measure.
Daniel's Last Vision
Outline of the Visions of Daniel 7, 8, and 9-How the Last Vision Came to be
Given-The Prophetic History of Daniel 11-The "Latter Days"-The "Thing"
Revealed to Daniel -The Persian Era-The Macedonian Era-Alexander the Great and
His Successors-Ptolemy Philadelphus-Antiochus the Great-Ptolemy Epiphanes-Antiochus
Epiphanes (the "Vile Person")-His Persecutions of the Jews-The Uprising of the
Maccabees, and their "Exploits."
"The King"
Various Attempts to Identify this Personage-The "Break" Theory-Proof that the
Prophetic Narrative is Continuous -"Herod the King"-Herod's Dynasty Filled Out
the Last Stage of Jewish History "Until the Indignation"-"According to His
Will"-Exalting and Magnifying Himself-"The Desire of Women"-"The God of
Forces"-The Testimony of Josephus as to Herod-The Time of the End-Farquharson's
Commentary-Defeat of Antony and Cleopatra by Octavius Caesar-Edom, Moab and
Ammon-The Treasures of Egypt-Tidings from East and North-Herod "Troubled"-His
Outbreak of "Great Fury"-His Palace and His End.
The Time
Of Trouble
Michael the Great Prince-A Time of Trouble such as Never Was-Many
Awakened-They Who Make Wise- Many Shall Run To and Fro-How Long the End?-A
Time, Times and a Part-The Taking Away of the Daily Sacrifice-The Period of
Three and a Half Years in Scripture.
The Wise Shall Understand
Who are "the Wicked" and "the Wise"?-Many Purified and Made White, and
Tried-False Prophets-Have These Prophecies a Future Application?
The Lord's Olivet Prophecy
Christ's References to the Approaching Destruction of Jerusalem-The Importance
of that Event in History, and in God's Dealings with Mankind-Prophecies
Concerning Jerusalem-Wrath to the Uttermost-Future Troubles for
Mankind-Concerning Antichrist.
Outline of the Olivet Prophecy
The Three Main Purposes of the Discourse-The Great Tribulation or the Days of
Vengeance-The Sign to Flee- The Three Parallel Accounts of the Olivet
Prophecy- "When Ye Shall See" Self-Inflicted Sufferings-Tribulation "Such as
Never Was."
Mark's Account of The Olivet Prophecy
The Question of the Four Disciples-The Stones of the Temple-The General
Warnings-The Sign of the Approaching "Desolation"-Those Days to be
"Shortened"- False Christs and False Prophets-Proof that the Three Evangelists
Refer to one and the same Tribulation-The Siege and Dispersion Foretold by
Moses-The Abomination of Desolation was the Roman Armies, not an Idol in the
Sanctuary-Luke's Account: Is it the Same Discourse?- Israel's Last
Probation-The Time of Jacob's Trouble- The Great Tribulation of Revelation
Description of the Siege of Jerusalem
The Days of Herod Agrippa II and His Great Oration-Felix and Festus-The
Sicarii-False Prophets-"ThatEgyptian"-Three Million at the Passover-The
Cruelties of Florus-Tlie Strange Retreat of Cestius-The Days of
Vengeance-Josephus Taken Prisoner by Vespasian-Titus Succeeds Vespasian in
Charge of the Roman Armies-The Internal Strife in Jerusalem-The Cruelties of
the "Tyrants" -The Last Passover-Flamine, Blood, and Fire-Unspeakable
Sufferings-The Capture of the City and Dispersion of the Nation.
Edersheim on Matthew XXIV-The Four Divisions of the Prophecy-The
Beginning of Sorrows-A Strong and Illuminating Contrast-The Two Illustrative
Parables: The Figtree and The Man Taking a Far Journey-Signs in the Sun, Moon
and Stars-The Times of the Gentiles.